The job description for a certain employee does not belong to the category of mandatory documents, the presence of which is provided for by current legislation. At the same time, the regulation of the legal status of the employee, his rights, duties and responsibilities in the job description allows the employer to outline the range of production issues that a particular person is engaged in, improve labor discipline and formalize the requirements for personnel.

Step 1
We make out the "header" of the job description:
- in the upper left part of the sheet, we indicate the full names of the organization and position, in relation to which the instruction was developed;
- in the upper right side of the sheet, we indicate information about which official approved this instruction, indicating his last name and initials, and also affix the seal of the organization (as a general rule, the job description is approved by the head of the organization).
Step 2
We are developing chapter 1. General provisions, the content of which is as follows:
- assignment of a certain position to management, service or other personnel;
- the requirement for the minimum educational level and work experience, which are necessary for the occupation of this position;
- an indication of the person who appoints and dismisses the employee hired for this position;
- information about who is directly subordinate to the employee hired for this position;
- a list of the main areas in which the employee must understand.
Step 3
We are developing chapter 2. Job responsibilities, the content of which entirely depends on the immediate needs for which an employee is needed in a given organization.
Step 4
We are developing chapter 3. Rights, the content of which is usually about the following:
- receive information necessary to carry out their activities;
- submit to the head for consideration proposals on their activities;
- require the administration of the organization to assist in the performance of their official duties;
- other rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, local regulations, collective agreement, labor agreement.
Step 5
We are developing Chapter 4. Responsibility, in which we indicate that the employee is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties, for offenses committed during the period of his activities, and for causing material damage.
Step 6
At the end of the document, we indicate that “I have read the job description”, and then the employee signs it with an indication of the decryption and dates.