The business relationship between the employee and the administration (or between employees of various structural divisions) of the company, after a certain time after its creation, tends to formalize, which is reflected, among other things, in the need for internal correspondence. One of the main documents created in the course of such correspondence is a memo.

Step 1
Introductory part.
In the upper right corner, we indicate the position and full name of the person to whom the memo and information about the employee who sent it are sent.
Then write “Memo” in the center in bold.
Step 2
Main part.
We describe the essence of a certain problem that arose for the employee who sent the memo or we report on the process of completing the previously assigned task. One of the most common phrases that begins the main text of a memo is "I hereby inform you that …" about the impossibility of completing the task within the specified time frame, etc.).
Step 3
Final part.
We ask you to make a certain decision (for example, using the following phrase: “based on the results of the consideration, I ask you to inform about the need for further negotiations, or the adoption of a certain decision”), put down the position, indicate the full name and sign the memo.