A letter of guarantee is one of the documents, the legal consequences of which do not in themselves provide reliable legal guarantees for the fulfillment of certain obligations, but at the same time, subject to certain compilation rules, are important for the official activities of legal (natural) persons and bodies of state (municipal)) power. Letters of guarantee can be drawn up for various reasons: assurance of payment of the resulting debt, delivery of products, provision of premises for lease (sublease) after state registration of the organization, etc.

Step 1
Observing the general rules of business correspondence, below the letterhead of the organization (or, in its absence, below the data on the full name of the company, its location, TIN, KPP, PSRN, current and correspondent account in a particular bank and its BIC, as well as phone and fax numbers) we write in the left corner the outgoing letter number and its date, and below in the center of the sheet we print the phrase "Letter of guarantee".
Step 2
Further, the text of the letter depends on the reason for which it is drawn up. So, for example, when assuring the payment of the resulting debt, it is often sufficient to indicate that "Example" Limited Liability Company undertakes to pay a certain amount of funds in favor of "Example Example" Closed Joint Stock Company before … ". In turn, in the "body" of a letter of guarantee related to the provision of non-residential premises for lease (sublease) to a certain organization, after its state registration with the tax authority, it is necessary to enter data: on the location and area of the premises, the transfer of which should take place after a legal fact concerning company formation; data on ownership (other right), on the basis of which the organization can dispose of this real estate; assurance in the performance of certain actions (conclusion of a lease or sublease agreement); other information (depending on the nature of the legal relationship).
Step 3
If necessary, we indicate the existing attachments to the letter of guarantee (for example, a copy of the certificate of state registration of the right, series 00 OO, number 000000, issued on April 15, 2000, registration record number 00-00-00 / 000 / 2000-000), sign this document the head of the organization (another authorized person) and affix a seal.