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How To Apply For An External Part-time Job

How To Apply For An External Part-time Job

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

One of the forms of labor relations between an employee and an employer is a part-time job. If an employee works in parallel in another company, then he should be called an external part-time worker. Its registration is carried out by writing an application by a specialist, concluding an employment contract, drawing up an order

Is Vacation Eligible For A Fixed-term Employment Contract

Is Vacation Eligible For A Fixed-term Employment Contract

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

When concluding a fixed-term employment contract, the employee must be provided with annual paid leave on a general basis. Certain features of calculating the duration of vacation are established only for those employees who conclude an agreement for up to two months, as well as for seasonal work

What If The Employer Does Not Give The Work Book

What If The Employer Does Not Give The Work Book

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Upon dismissal, reduction of an employee, the employing firm is obliged to issue a work book and all related documents. Sometimes it also happens that the manager considered, for example, that you did not transfer any material values or did not transfer your responsibilities, and did not give you the main document about your work activity

How Teachers Leave Pay

How Teachers Leave Pay

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

There are certain professions whose representatives are entitled to special benefits in the form of longer vacations, special bonuses, etc. The profession of a teacher also belongs to them, so the calculation of their vacation pay has its own characteristics

How To Leave A Union

How To Leave A Union

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

During the years of Soviet power, the trade unions experienced their best years. Then it never occurred to anyone to leave the union. If you needed an apartment, a place in a kindergarten or a voucher to a sanatorium - a direct road to the trade union for help

How To Get A Part-time Work Week

How To Get A Part-time Work Week

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

During the labor process, sometimes situations arise when it is required to arrange a part-time working week. At the same time, the generally established length of the working day is preserved, but the number of working days per week is reduced

How To Correct An Incorrect Date In A Work Book

How To Correct An Incorrect Date In A Work Book

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

All people are not immune to mistakes. Just like all employees, personnel officers can make an inaccuracy in writing the date in the employee's work book. An incorrect entry must be corrected, since in the future the specialist will have problems with the pension fund when calculating the length of service

Where To Go In Case Of Non-payment Of Wages

Where To Go In Case Of Non-payment Of Wages

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If you are not paid your salary, the desire to work gradually fades away. You have every right to contact the regulatory authorities if the salary was last seen two months ago or more. Instructions Step 1 If you have not received a salary for a long time, and your own financial resources have long run out, try to talk to your boss and resolve this problem

How To Calculate Your Vacation

How To Calculate Your Vacation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Having got a job, willy-nilly, almost from the first days, you begin to dream of rest. When is it better to go on vacation, how to calculate it so that you can rest more and get more vacation pay? Instructions Step 1 Determine eligibility for vacation

How To Evaluate The Personal And Business Qualities Of Your Subordinates

How To Evaluate The Personal And Business Qualities Of Your Subordinates

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Each leader in a given situation is faced with the question of the need to characterize his subordinate. An assessment of the business and personal qualities of an employee is needed when introducing him, drawing up a description, recommendation, and a certification sheet

How To Write A Memo: A Sample

How To Write A Memo: A Sample

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

An enterprise of any form of ownership has its own workflow in the form of a set of papers of various types, systematized according to a certain principle. A memorandum requires special attention when drafting. What is a memo Business paper in the form of a memo is informative and recommendatory in nature

How To Transfer From A Temporary Position To The Main One

How To Transfer From A Temporary Position To The Main One

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In accordance with Russian law, an agreement for an employee to perform someone else's duties is concluded for a certain period, after which the person returns to his main duties. However, it is possible to transfer an employee from a temporary position to the main one, subject to special conditions

How To Draw Up A Lost Work Book

How To Draw Up A Lost Work Book

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

There are often situations when people lose their work books. It also happens that these documents suffer from emergencies. But they contain all the data about a person's work. Without a work book, a citizen will not be able to confirm his work experience when applying to the pension fund of the Russian Federation

What To Do If Wages Have Not Been Paid For 2 Months

What To Do If Wages Have Not Been Paid For 2 Months

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The days of “gray” wages in an envelope and work without a contract, which is paid piece-rate, are a thing of the past. But the problems of late payment of wages remain relevant to this day. Employers, taking advantage of the incompetence of their employees regarding their labor rights, delay wages for more than two months, or even refuse to issue them altogether

How To Pay Back Salary Debts

How To Pay Back Salary Debts

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In difficult financial conditions, any company saves money. But it is very bad if it tries to implement the savings program at the expense of its employees. If the company regularly delays wages or pays only part of it, do not wait for the employer to wake up conscience

What To Do If They Are Not Allowed On Vacation

What To Do If They Are Not Allowed On Vacation

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Annual paid leave is a mandatory right of every employee. However, some employers do not allow their employees to retire for some reason. In this case, it is important to protect your rights and get the due leave. Instructions Step 1 Submit your annual paid leave application to your top executive at least two weeks before the start of the vacation period

In What Cases Does An Employee Have The Right To Refuse To Perform Work

In What Cases Does An Employee Have The Right To Refuse To Perform Work

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In the workplace, an employee is not a powerless performer. He can and should not only indulge the manager's decisions and do his job responsibly, but also defend his rights. In the workplace, there are times when an employee does not have to complete a task or order from senior management and he may refuse to work

What Is Production Necessity

What Is Production Necessity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The term “work necessity” is often used by employers to justify the performance of extracurricular urgent or emergency work that was not foreseen in advance. But, meanwhile, this term is absent in the new Labor Code of the Russian Federation and, moreover, it contains a direct prohibition of attracting employees to work on weekends and holidays

How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book

How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Employees work in two jobs, both in one organization, and in two or more. Often, a work book is issued for them only at the main job, and the confirmation of the second is an employment contract. It is allowed to make an entry in the work book about part-time work

How To Write An Application For An Employer

How To Write An Application For An Employer

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If the employer violates the terms of the labor or collective agreement, the employee has the right to apply for protection to the labor inspectorate, prosecutor's office or court. You can do this sequentially, or send your application to all three of these authorities at the same time

How To Shorten An Employee's Working Day

How To Shorten An Employee's Working Day

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

It is possible to transfer an employee to a part-time job only with his written consent. This is due to the fact that when working in this mode, labor remuneration is made in proportion to the time worked, i.e. less than usual. However, such a transfer can be initiated by both the employee and the employer

How To Calculate Salary Based On The Amount Of Time Worked

How To Calculate Salary Based On The Amount Of Time Worked

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Usually, the salary of employees of a particular company is based on the monthly salary, but in some cases the work is carried out at the so-called daily or hourly rate. To calculate the monthly salary in this situation, you need to proceed from the number of days or hours worked

Do Vacations Over The Past Years "burn Out"

Do Vacations Over The Past Years "burn Out"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Vacations not used by the employee for any reason for the previous years of work do not "burn out". The employer is obliged to calculate and provide the appropriate number of calendar days of vacation or, if the employee agrees, replace some of these days with monetary compensation

How To Get A Part-time Job For A Permanent Job

How To Get A Part-time Job For A Permanent Job

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Part-time employment is a form of labor relations between an employee and an employer. It can be internal and external. When a part-time worker needs to be transferred to a permanent basis, then this can be done by transfer or dismissal. There is no clear explanation of this in the law

How To Ask For A Raise

How To Ask For A Raise

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A third of requests to the authorities asking for a salary increase are ineffective. At the same time, the manager often fires a disgruntled employee … However, every second Russian, regardless of the field of activity, dared to ask the boss for a raise

How To Determine The Vacation Period

How To Determine The Vacation Period

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The sequence of providing vacations in the organization in accordance with Art. 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is established by a special schedule in a strictly unified form. Such a schedule is always drawn up as a local normative act

How To Register A Combination Of Professions At The Initiative Of An Employee

How To Register A Combination Of Professions At The Initiative Of An Employee

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If a vacancy arises at the enterprise due to the dismissal of an employee, another employee has the right to take on part of his duties. To do this, he should write an application addressed to the director, in case of consent, the employer must draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract on combining positions, issue an order

Where To Complain About Salary

Where To Complain About Salary

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Any employee is not insured against salary delays, regardless of the area in which he works. If your bosses are increasingly delaying your wages, then you should complain where you need to. You can enter the role of bosses if they have to delay payment of wages to their employees from time to time, especially during the financial crisis, but there is a limit to everything

What To Do If Your Boss Falls In Love With You

What To Do If Your Boss Falls In Love With You

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

An office romance with a boss … Some take advantage of this situation in order to move up the career ladder as soon as possible, but many do not accept such a relationship. Who is right and what to do if your boss falls in love with you? There is simply no unequivocal answer to this question, but it is still worth following common sense

How To Talk To Your Boss About A Pay Raise

How To Talk To Your Boss About A Pay Raise

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Before embarking on a serious conversation with your superiors about raising your salary or transferring you to a higher position, you must answer for yourself: why do you need this? If you think that you deserve more in your new job, are ready to take on additional workload, or that you are currently doing more work than prescribed in your job descriptions, then it makes sense to talk

How To Get A Part-time Director

How To Get A Part-time Director

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

According to the labor code, an employee has the right to work part-time for an unlimited number of employers, including the main employer. This is especially true for small, developing companies, in which, at first, the director often performs the duties of, for example, the chief accountant

How To Pay For Sick Leave On Holidays

How To Pay For Sick Leave On Holidays

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The employer must pay the sick leave to the employee. The amount of money to be issued for the period of incapacity for work depends on the time a specialist has worked at a particular enterprise, on the basis of which the average earnings are calculated

How To Talk To A Director

How To Talk To A Director

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The frequency of communication between an employee and the first person of the company depends on what place in the hierarchy he occupies. For some, it is regular, for others - in exceptional cases. Even if the reason for communication was a call to the office, this is not a reason to forget about self-esteem

How To Write A Complaint Against An Employer

How To Write A Complaint Against An Employer

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Do you have disagreements with management and the likelihood of an “unplanned” dismissal at your job? Try to get out of this situation by minimizing losses as much as possible. A competently drawn up complaint against the employer will help to defend the rights of the employee

How To Interrupt Parental Leave

How To Interrupt Parental Leave

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Maternity leave is a slang, common name for leave, which legally consists of two periods: maternity leave and parental leave. The first is due to a woman before and after childbirth, it is not subject to reduction. The second can be arranged by both the mother of the baby and any relative who will take care of the child

How To Make An Entry In The Work Book For A Part-time Worker

How To Make An Entry In The Work Book For A Part-time Worker

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

At present, part-time work is very common. The employee has the right to make an entry about the additional position in his work book. For this, a statement is drawn up addressed to the manager. If the required documents are available, a record is made by a personnel officer, but its type differs depending on whether a part-time specialist works in one company or in different companies

How To Write A Complaint To The Labor Inspectorate

How To Write A Complaint To The Labor Inspectorate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The relationship between an employee and an employer is often difficult. And it is very difficult to prove to the boss that he is wrong. They help to restore the rights of employees in the Labor Inspectorate. But the whole question is how to write a complaint correctly so that action can be taken on it?

What To Do If They Want To Fire You

What To Do If They Want To Fire You

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Dismissal is a release from the position held on the basis of a handwritten statement or for reasons specified in the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. This process is unpleasant and requires careful preparation. To protect yourself from illegal dismissal, you need to know about your rights

How To Collect Wage Arrears

How To Collect Wage Arrears

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

According to labor law, every employer must pay wages on time at least twice a month. Its size should not be less than the minimum wage, which is indexed annually. The size of the salary is spelled out in the contract concluded upon hiring. It happens that employers do not pay wages on time, thereby violating the terms of the contract

How To Get Paid

How To Get Paid

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Late payment of wages is a very common problem these days, from which many workers suffer, and which employers actively use. If you find yourself in the place of a person who has not been paid salaries for several months, do not sit still - defend your rights in all possible ways