A third of requests to the authorities asking for a salary increase are ineffective. At the same time, the manager often fires a disgruntled employee … However, every second Russian, regardless of the field of activity, dared to ask the boss for a raise. Are you ready to take the risk? Then you should seriously prepare …

Step 1
More often than not, people are asked to increase their salaries in connection with new responsibilities and an increased volume of work. The main thing that should be taken into account when contacting your superiors is the choice of the right time, the ability to list all your services to the company, the colorful description of the scope of your responsibility and activities, a reminder of your education and professional development. Also, experience and professionalism certainly matter.
Step 2
It is not necessary to point to inflation and rise in prices, "the way others have" and "life circumstances." The bosses themselves assure that the most important thing for the employee is the correct justification of his request. The one who devotes himself to his work will receive an increase. Salaries are raised, first of all, for services and contributions to the development of the organization. For the most part, bosses want to see the purposefulness of employees!
Step 3
The comprehensive performance of official duties, a large area of responsibility and workload with important work are also taken into account. The speech about skills, efforts and experience can also sound convincing - but all this must be supported by facts, that is, concrete actions.
Step 4
But most employers do not react to comparing the salary of a person who applied with the salaries of his colleagues or representatives of other companies and threats to quit if they do not give more money … In addition, employees often put forward excessive demands that do not correspond to their activities for the good of the company.