Before embarking on a serious conversation with your superiors about raising your salary or transferring you to a higher position, you must answer for yourself: why do you need this? If you think that you deserve more in your new job, are ready to take on additional workload, or that you are currently doing more work than prescribed in your job descriptions, then it makes sense to talk. And you need not ask for a pay rise, but conduct a conversation on an equal footing. After all, you sell your services and ask for an adequate price for them. Therefore, you should carefully prepare for a conversation with your superiors about raising your salary.

Step 1
Decide what you can offer to your boss. The conversation should not start with the phrases: "I do not have enough money" or "I think that I am not paid enough." First, you need to justify why you deserve to be paid more. Are you working overtime? Or have you been replacing the head of your department for six months, while he is on sick leave, and have mastered all the intricacies of the profession? Or have you received a new education and can apply for a more qualified job? In any case, you must somehow justify your request.
Step 2
Prepare a portfolio. For example, if you work in sales, prepare charts that show the steady growth of your sales. If you work in the PR department, collect all newspaper clippings, TV and radio recordings to show the titanic work you are doing for the good of the company. You have to prove to your bosses that you are doing great and ask for a salary increase not from scratch.
Step 3
Think about what you can do for your boss by getting a new position or a new salary. Maybe you propose a new concept for the development of the company or one of its departments. Or a new brand. Or a new computer program that makes the work of company employees easier. Or you just swear to work harder, better, harder … You don’t have to offer something revolutionary. The main thing is that this "something" is real in performance and allows the company to get ahead of its competitors.
Step 4
Don't complain. Least of all, the bosses are concerned that you have ten credits, your wife is about to give birth to her fifth child, and a neighbor is threatening a lawsuit for a rumpled car. Your problems are your problems. The fact that you have a lot of them is not a reason to raise your salary.
Step 5
If you are on good or even friendly terms with your boss, prepare carefully for the conversation. The fact that you drank with him on a fishing trip last fall does not mean that you will immediately get the position of a top manager with a salary of 100 thousand rubles. Your boss evaluates you first and foremost as an employee. Plus, if he gives you a new responsibility, then he trusts you. And it's important for you not to let your boss down.
Step 6
It is a good idea to study the Labor Code and the employment contract before speaking. It may turn out that it is not necessary to demand an increase in wages. Maybe you are entitled to some payments according to the law, you just do not know about them. It is worth mentioning them in a conversation if the boss cannot raise your salary (for example, if you work in a government office) or does not want to.
Step 7
In the conversation, do not be suppressed. Look your boss directly in the eyes. Speak with confidence and reason. Don't fuss. You did not come to ask, not to humiliate yourself, but to take what is yours. Remember that getting your pay raise is possible. The main thing is to convince yourself of this. And then the boss.