Not all employees are satisfied with the level of wages. This applies even to those workers whose salaries are periodically indexed. How, without having a job, prove to the manager the right to a salary increase.

As a rule, poorly thought out spontaneous conversations with bosses about pay increases end in nothing. The leader has arguments to counterbalance. To eliminate this possibility, you need to prepare as much as possible for the conversation.
First of all, you should carefully analyze your professional success. Over the years of work in one position, there should be good reasons that will require an increase in salary. Such reasons include a sharp increase in productivity, effective financial results, which made it possible to optimize the costs of the enterprise, etc. If there are no such results, then you should not start talking about a salary increase, because, most likely, it will end with a refusal.
Try to compare the results of your work with those of your predecessors. This allows you to predict the chances of a successful negotiation.
However, not only production victories can be a reason for an increase. Often, the scope of work of one specialist increases several times over the years. This process is slow and leads to the fact that the specialist performs tasks that go far beyond the work authority described in the job description.
In this case, it is permissible to petition the manager to amend the job description with a simultaneous increase in salary.
In addition, personal circumstances may become the reason for the increase in salary. A competent leader always strives to create conditions for more effective work of subordinates, and the reason for an increase may be the need to improve living conditions, marry or add to the family.
Sometimes, with a positive decision of the head, the refusal of the increase can come from the accounting department. In this case, look for compromise solutions in terms of the company's financial capabilities. If the increase in salary, according to economists, contradicts the staffing table or does not correspond to the internal system for calculating grades, then it makes sense to talk about the accrual of quarterly bonuses. In this case, it must be remembered that bonuses to specialists are within the competence of the management, which has the right, for economic reasons, to refuse financial incentives even for the most effective results. You can secure your right to the award with the help of an official decision of the management. To do this, it is necessary to state a request for bonuses with an indication of specific justifications in a memo.