Sooner or later, the question of raising wages has to be raised before the management of almost every employee. And if he really is valuable to the company and is right about the business, the chances of a successful negotiation are high.

Step 1
An important stage in preparing for such a serious conversation will be the reconnaissance of the situation on the labor market in your area. It will be useful not only to monitor vacancies, but also to respond to the most interesting ones, to be like interviews.
This will help you gain arguments in your favor.
In addition, the result may be quite real proposals, and they, in turn, serve as a pretext for starting a conversation and an alternate airfield if your request is refused.
Step 2
It is equally important to choose the right time for the conversation. It is advisable that at this time no one distracts you from the conversation. Often this option can be in the afternoon: the morning routine has already been raked out, and a well-fed person is usually always kinder.
In no case should you start a conversation when the enterprise has a rush, deadlines are running out, etc. In a situation where the boss is objectively not up to you, this will not turn out to be anything good.
The ideal situation in which to raise this issue is if a project was successfully completed the day before in which you showed yourself in the best possible way.
Step 3
When choosing arguments for a conversation, proceed from the fact that the boss is primarily concerned with the interests of the company and its benefits from each decision. So, when discussing, argue the request with what benefits you are already bringing to the company and what benefits it will receive after your work becomes more expensive for it.
If all these conditions are met, the answer to such a serious question is “yes” rather than “no”.