You have been working in the company for over a year, but for some reason the salary remains the same as it became after passing the probationary period. At the same time, you work no worse than others and have gained significant experience that allows you to successfully solve the tasks set by your management. How can you talk to management about raising wages without creating tension in your relationship?

It is necessary
It is worth reading any thematic materials on employment sites - as a rule, there are many similar articles there. In some cases, you can also ask a career counselor a question there
Step 1
To begin with, let's list the main mistakes that employees make when talking with management about raising wages. So, what to do, as a rule, is not worth it:
- start with "here you have increased the salary of my colleague in the position …";
- to accumulate resentment and talk about a promotion in a raised voice and generally too emotionally;
- put the management before a choice: either your salary is raised, or you leave.
Step 2
The first option is likely to fail, because just because you and your colleague hold roughly the same job does not mean that you are doing roughly the same amount of work and making the same profit for the company. The second case does not even deserve a detailed explanation: employers are not used to giving out compensation for "offenses". In the third case, management can choose the second option out of two - that is, simply accept your departure.
Step 3
To ask for a pay raise correctly, you should first of all competently justify that you deserve it. For example, you have become more complex tasks or more work. The management will also be impressed by the list of projects you have successfully completed. Do not think that the management knows this about you on its own: the manager hardly remembers everything that he entrusted to each employee.
Step 4
A good chance to achieve a significant salary increase would be to present an important initiative for the company. How to optimize this or that process? What new trainings to organize for young employees? How to get rid of unnecessary bureaucracy? Quite a few employees are just good performers, they are used to solving problems "given" to them according to the developed algorithm, but not seeing them on their own and not coming up with new ways to solve them.
Step 5
Be aware of the psychological aspects of talking with management. It would not be very correct to start a conversation with your immediate boss immediately with a request for a salary increase, all the more so to do it in front of other employees. It is also important to take care of the external impression - a person who gives the impression of being successful, active, and benevolent is more likely to deserve a salary increase. Of course, it is worth paying attention to the appearance. There is even an unspoken rule for careerists - dress the way you would dress as your boss.
Step 6
Even if, in response to your well-founded request for a salary increase, you received a sharp refusal or an indistinct "think", do not rush to despair. First, if you haven't received a pay raise now, that doesn't mean it won't come later. Secondly, it could happen that the company is experiencing financial difficulties at this particular time. It is also possible that you were in a hurry, the list of your merits is still small. At the same time, nevertheless, insist on a specific answer to your request in order to know for sure whether it is worth waiting for a salary increase in this place.