In accordance with Russian law, an agreement for an employee to perform someone else's duties is concluded for a certain period, after which the person returns to his main duties. However, it is possible to transfer an employee from a temporary position to the main one, subject to special conditions.

It is possible to transfer a person from a temporary position to the main one only if the employee whose position is being replaced wishes to leave the job of his own free will or is dismissed by the management. In this case, the procedure for dismissing the latter is first performed. The quitting employee transfers his affairs to a successor, to whom the management draws up a transfer to another position. From the moment the relevant order enters into force, the new employee can begin the duties assigned to him.
The dismissed employee has the right to receive paid leave and other social benefits that were not provided to him according to the work schedule until that moment. In this case, the applicant can perform his duties during the period agreed with the management, and only after the termination of the procedure for dismissing the employee who is on vacation or on a hospital employee is he issued on a permanent basis.
The employer has the right to transfer a full-time employee to another position or to another employer (if the employee himself has no objection to this). In this situation, an appropriate transfer order is drawn up, and at the same time the preparation of documents (application, management order, employment contract) begins for registration of another employee working on a temporary basis in his place. Immediately after the end of the transfer procedure, the assigned permanent employee must immediately take up duties.
You can also make changes to the current staffing table by shortening the list of positions or adding a new one. This may be required to relieve an employee who has been hired on a permanent basis from his previous duties, eliminate the need to find new employees, and create a new position for an interim employee.