How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book

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How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book
How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book

Video: How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book

Video: How To Apply For A Part-time Job In A Work Book

Employees work in two jobs, both in one organization, and in two or more. Often, a work book is issued for them only at the main job, and the confirmation of the second is an employment contract. It is allowed to make an entry in the work book about part-time work. This is spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to apply for a part-time job in a work book
How to apply for a part-time job in a work book

It is necessary

document forms, part-time work book, company seal, pen


Step 1

When an employee works in two positions in one organization, he needs to write an application addressed to the first person of the company with a request to make an entry in the work book. The employee puts his signature and the date of writing the application. The director of the enterprise puts a resolution on the statement. The content of the resolution should be as follows: "Make an entry in the work record book about part-time work." The head of the organization puts his signature and date.

Step 2

Since the organization has more likely drawn up an employment contract and issued an order for hiring part-time jobs, the personnel officer makes an entry in the work book about part-time work. Puts the date of admission to a part-time job, the ordinal number of the entry, and the part-time entry must follow after the entry about the main job. The basis is an order for hiring a part-time job. The personnel officer writes his position, puts his signature, certifies the record with the seal of the enterprise.

Step 3

When an employee works part-time in two organizations, he needs to request from the enterprise where he works part-time, a copy of the order for hiring part-time jobs in this organization, an extract from this order or an employment contract. But the most correct thing would be to request a certificate from the part-time job on the company's letterhead, where the personnel worker writes that the employee really works in a certain position in this organization from a certain date. The certificate is signed by the head of the company and certified by the seal of the company.

Step 4

At the main place of work, the personnel officer makes a record of part-time work in another organization after the record of the main job. The basis is a certificate from a part-time job. Moreover, it is pasted into the employee's work book. The seal of the company from the main place of work is certified. The personnel officer also signs, puts the decryption of the signature and his position.
