According to labor law, every employer must pay wages on time at least twice a month. Its size should not be less than the minimum wage, which is indexed annually. The size of the salary is spelled out in the contract concluded upon hiring. It happens that employers do not pay wages on time, thereby violating the terms of the contract. What should the employee do in this case?

Step 1
First, tell the employer that you have the right to stop working if wages are delayed for more than 15 days. But do not forget to inform the head of the organization about this fact in writing. He must fix the problems that caused the delay, and then notify you in writing about the payment. After receiving such a notification, you must start work the next day, naturally, with the payment of wages.
Step 2
Also, in case of delay, you have the right to demand monetary compensation for violation of the terms of the employment contract. The amount of non-pecuniary damage should not be less than three hundred of the refinancing rate of Sberbank of Russia for each day of delay. Please note that the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is often indexed.
Step 3
If you are not systematically paid your wages on time, you have the right to go to the labor inspectorate or file a lawsuit. You can even prosecute your employer for delayed wages. This may be after two months of non-payment of wages. In other cases, the employer bears administrative responsibility and may be brought to pay an administrative penalty in the amount of 1,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. Note that the fine should be paid not from the organization's cash desk, but from the “personal pocket” of the manager.
Step 4
In the event that wages are not paid on time, the organization must submit to the statistics authorities "Information on overdue wage arrears" (form No. 3-F). This form must be completed monthly.