Helpful tips

How To Deregister

How To Deregister

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The registration and deregistration of citizens at the place of residence and stay is handled by the Federal Migration Service. Deregistration occurs upon permanent or temporary departure from the previous place of residence. Depending on the reasons, the discharge occurs on a voluntary or compulsory basis

How To Discharge An Ex-wife From An Apartment

How To Discharge An Ex-wife From An Apartment

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

According to the housing legislation, the ex-spouse loses the right to live in the dwelling. Divorce must be registered with the registry office on the basis of a joint application or a court decision. Thus, after the termination of the marriage, the ex-wife must move out of the apartment and de-register

How To Write Out A Non-owner

How To Write Out A Non-owner

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

It is quite simple to deregister a person who is not the owner of an apartment or house if he has agreed to voluntarily draw up an application for discharge. If a person disagrees, you have the right to sue that person. For this, be guided by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, which clearly contains a list of cases when a person can be legally deregistered

How To Restore A Pension Certificate

How To Restore A Pension Certificate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In modern society, if health permits, it is customary to continue working even after the onset of retirement age. In this case, the person receives both a pension and a salary. A pension certificate is a document with the help of which not only there is an opportunity to receive a pension, but tickets are bought, they receive preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and benefits for paying for housing and communal services

Countries From Which There Is No Extradition Of Criminals

Countries From Which There Is No Extradition Of Criminals

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

For a long time, the Russian prosecutor's office sought from colleagues from Cambodia to extradite businessman Sergei Polonsky, accused of serious crimes. As a result, the Cambodian authorities detained him, considered the request from Moscow, and then released him on bail, denying his forced return

How To Get Form 9 Help

How To Get Form 9 Help

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A Form 9 certificate is a document that contains information about people registered in the living space. Without it, it is difficult to sell an apartment, privatize and carry out other real estate transactions. Getting it is easy enough. Instructions Step 1 To get this certificate, you need to contact the passport office at your place of residence

How To Write A Debit Act

How To Write A Debit Act

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The act of writing off goods and materials is intended for documenting damage or loss of their quality. Also, a write-off certificate is drawn up if the inventory is morally obsolete or the amortization period has expired. This document confirms that specific goods and materials are not subject to their subsequent implementation

How To Write An Application For The Repair Of An Entrance

How To Write An Application For The Repair Of An Entrance

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

When the tenants run out of patience, and they no longer want to listen to promises about the imminent repair of the entrance from the chairman of the HOA or the Management Company, it is time to take decisive action. But even if you are ready to defend your innocence to the end in this endless dispute, do not rush to prepare a statement of claim in court

How To Compile A Defective Repair List

How To Compile A Defective Repair List

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If it is necessary to carry out repair work, regardless of whether it is a house or a car, it is recommended to draw up a defective repair list, which will reflect all the details and list all areas or parts to be repaired. Instructions Step 1 First, conduct a technical survey with a survey

How To Write A Roof Repair Application

How To Write A Roof Repair Application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

"Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building", adopted on 13.08.2006. By Decree No. 491 of the Government of the Russian Federation, it is stated that the roof belongs to common property (clause B of article 2), and the maintenance and maintenance of the roofs in good condition must be carried out by the housing department (clause 16)

How To Design A Consumer Corner

How To Design A Consumer Corner

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

All organizations that sell or provide services to the population, operating in the territory of the Russian Federation, are obliged to provide convenient access to information for every citizen who wants to get acquainted with it. This right is granted to him by the law "

How To Calculate Interest On A Loan Agreement

How To Calculate Interest On A Loan Agreement

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Borrowing funds may be accompanied by the execution of a loan agreement. At the same time, this agreement should stipulate the amount of the loan itself, for how long this amount is issued and under what interest obligations. As a rule, an annual interest rate is established, and the calculation of interest for the use of a loan is carried out on a monthly basis

What Do You Need To Change Your Surname

What Do You Need To Change Your Surname

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Change of surname is a serious decision that must be made by a person deliberately and carefully. Changing the surname after marriage is a common thing, most women decide in favor of the husband's surname, since they consider it more logical

How To Get The Status Of A Low-income Family

How To Get The Status Of A Low-income Family

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The status of a low-income family gives the right to a certain list of benefits and subsidies. Help with the purchase of housing, a preferential queue for kindergartens, free trips to camps and just one-time cash benefits - the full list depends on the region of residence

How To Write An Award Application

How To Write An Award Application

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In order to encourage an employee of any organization or enterprise, he can be awarded a certificate of honor or a badge confirming his special merits. To award the award, you need to write a petition. How to do it? Instructions Step 1 The application is written in different forms, depending on the field of work in which the person works and the type of award provided

How To Check Your Passport For Authenticity

How To Check Your Passport For Authenticity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Today, anyone can check the validity of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation online. This service is provided by the Federal Migration Service of Russia on its website. It is not difficult to use it, while maintaining the confidentiality of the reported passport data

How To Find Out The Registration Number Of The Policyholder

How To Find Out The Registration Number Of The Policyholder

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Policyholder registration numbers are assigned to entrepreneurs and legal entities contributing to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Compulsory Health Insurance Funds. In most cases, you can find out about them by phone or during a personal visit to the branch of the foundation serving you

How To Check Dollars For Authenticity

How To Check Dollars For Authenticity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Money has been counterfeited since it first appeared. Therefore, it is very useful to have some skills to distinguish a real bill from a fake one. The same applies to foreign currencies, in particular dollars, which are in active circulation

What To Do If Your Passport Is Lost

What To Do If Your Passport Is Lost

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Losing a passport is not a pleasant experience. An identity document is needed constantly, to obtain any kind of certificate, to carry out banking operations, to conclude transactions, etc. Every citizen from the age of 14 is required to have a passport, and long-term residence without it is punishable by a large fine

How To Get The Status Of A Poor Family

How To Get The Status Of A Poor Family

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A poor or low-income family is a family in which the income for each member is below the official subsistence level. This figure is determined for each region and changes annually, adjusted for price increases and other important indicators

How To Register At A Polyclinic If There Is No Registration

How To Register At A Polyclinic If There Is No Registration

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If the place of residence according to the passport does not coincide with the actual address of residence, then the employees of the polyclinic to which the citizen applies for registration may have doubts about the legality of the actions

How To Restore A Vehicle Certificate

How To Restore A Vehicle Certificate

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A vehicle registration certificate is a document required by a vehicle owner to confirm his or her right to own a vehicle. If you have lost this document in any way, you can restore it. Instructions Step 1 Come to the traffic police department in your area

How To Write A Statement To The District Police Officer For Neighbors

How To Write A Statement To The District Police Officer For Neighbors

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

If your neighbors do not lend themselves to re-education, and continue to spoil your life with loud music, constant screams and a puncher working all day long, there is only one way out - to write a statement to the district police officer so that he takes action against unruly citizens

How To Amend The Charter Of An Institution

How To Amend The Charter Of An Institution

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In business and legal practice, changes in the name and address of a limited liability company are quite common. Let's consider in a nutshell the procedure for filling out forms when changing the name or address in the charter of an LLC, or other legal entity

How To Get Your Hands On A Court Decision

How To Get Your Hands On A Court Decision

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The consideration of the case by the court ends, as a rule, with the issuance of a decision, in obtaining which the parties involved in the case are interested: the parties and third parties. How do I get my hands on a copy of the judgment? It is necessary - passport

How To Find Out Which Tax Office I Belong To

How To Find Out Which Tax Office I Belong To

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

You can find out which inspectorate you are listed as a taxpayer using the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The search form, the link to which is posted on the main page, will give not only your tax number, but also all information about its address and opening hours

How To Renounce Ukrainian Citizenship

How To Renounce Ukrainian Citizenship

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Ukraine, like some other states, has specific legislation on citizenship - a Ukrainian cannot become a citizen of another country. But if he still strives for this, then he will have to renounce the citizenship of Ukraine. It is necessary - Ukrainian passport

How To Find Out The Taxation System

How To Find Out The Taxation System

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

In practice, a new head of an organization or an accountant hired for tax reporting by an organization or an individual entrepreneur is sometimes faced with the question of what taxation system the organization (individual entrepreneur) is on

How To Return The State Duty From The Arbitration Court

How To Return The State Duty From The Arbitration Court

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Litigation does not always end with a decision; often citizens' applications are rejected or returned. In this case, the applicants face the question of the return of the state fee, which is paid in advance for the commission of judicial actions

How To Pay A Fine To The Tax Office

How To Pay A Fine To The Tax Office

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A tax penalty is a form of liability for committing a tax offense. A fine can be charged in many cases, in particular for violation of the deadlines for filing a tax return, late submission of information to the tax office, etc. It is necessary - details for paying the fine

What Is Coaching

What Is Coaching

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

The word "coaching" comes from the English coach - "coach", "mentor". Through the coaching process, people deepen their knowledge, unleash their potential, and increase their effectiveness. Coaching doesn't teach, it helps you learn

How To Organize The Work Of The Department

How To Organize The Work Of The Department

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A lot depends on the correct organization of any production or office, and not only labor productivity. But also the moral climate in your team. The result of the right organization will be that each employee will do their job with maximum efficiency, the team will have a spirit of mutual assistance and understanding of common goals

Is It Possible To Make Repairs On Weekends

Is It Possible To Make Repairs On Weekends

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

Repair is impossible without noise, and noise is the cause of conflicts. So that the improvement of the apartment does not make the neighbors enemies, it is important to know if repairs can be done on weekends. Distinguish between cosmetic and major repairs

Can I Drill On Weekends

Can I Drill On Weekends

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

According to Russian law, you cannot make noise, including drilling, at night. But what about when neighbors are actively drilling on weekends? And is it legal? Silence law Not every resident of Russia knows about measures to regulate violations, one way or another related to the peace of mind of citizens

How To Make Money On Copywriting At Home?

How To Make Money On Copywriting At Home?

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

There are many ways to make money at home with a personal computer and Internet access. One of them is copywriting or writing unique articles to fill sites. How do you learn to make money without leaving your home? Of course, there are major factors to be considered for effective work

How To Legally Cash Out Maternity Capital

How To Legally Cash Out Maternity Capital

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

For several years now, the Russian state has been providing material support to families with several children in the form of maternity capital. At the same time, the methods of cashing it out are strictly prescribed by the state. Ways of cashing out maternity capital Since 2007, the opportunity to receive maternity capital has appeared for all women who have given birth or adopted second and subsequent children

How To Draw Up A Technical Passport

How To Draw Up A Technical Passport

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

A technical passport is a document that reflects the layout of an apartment, the location of doors and windows, length, width, height, construction volume, basic materials from which the building is made. The interior decoration of the building is also often prescribed

How To Check A Plot Before Buying

How To Check A Plot Before Buying

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

When buying a land plot, there is always a high risk of falling into the networks of swindlers. The most common type of fraud in the real estate market is through cleverly planned land swaps. According to many experts in the field of buying and selling real estate, in recent years, the actions of fraudsters have become more planned, which in turn means that the number of victims of land scams is constantly growing

How Easy It Is To Register Ownership Of A Bathhouse, Garage, Shed

How Easy It Is To Register Ownership Of A Bathhouse, Garage, Shed

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

With the entry into force of the new Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, many questions have arisen regarding the registration of residential and non-residential buildings in the ownership. We will figure out whether you need a permit for the construction of a bathhouse, garage, barn on a land plot for individual construction or personal subsidiary plots

How To Get A Building Permit For An Already Built House

How To Get A Building Permit For An Already Built House

Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01

To register a residential building in ownership, you need a permit to build a house on a land plot. Therefore, before you start building a house, you should think about obtaining a building permit. It is quite difficult to decorate an already built house