Jurisprudence 2025, January
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 347n of April 26, 2011, a new, more logical and simpler form for a certificate of incapacity for work was approved. The medical bulletin submitted to the insurance company is the basis for the payment of temporary disability benefits
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In July 2011, a new hospital model was put into circulation. As noted by the magazine "Glavbukh", the new forms are protected much more seriously than the previous ones. However, many accountants and business leaders often do not have a clear idea of what a genuine certificate of incapacity for work should look like
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Salaries may be paid in different ways in different organizations. There are cash and non-cash payments, bonuses, bonuses, deductions, compensation. And yet there are some components that are the same for all salaries. There are three main components of wages:
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A petition is an appeal to an official about any action in the consideration of legal proceedings, sent in writing. There is no approved uniform form for such a document. The petition is usually tailored to the specific circumstances. Such an appeal can be sent by both ordinary citizens and organizations, when participating in court proceedings or to appeal against illegal actions on the part of non-governmental organizations or authorities, in order to respect the interest
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A petition is a written appeal from a participant in a trial to a judge in charge of a case or, in general, to a court. In fact, it can be a request, explanation, demand, etc. According to the law, any application must be considered without fail
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According to the latest edition of the RF Housing Code, all applications are unified up to the application form. Accordingly, if you want to improve your living conditions or get an apartment, you must apply to the city administration with an application
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In accordance with article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee has the right to resign at his own request. But he must notify the employer about this in writing no later than 2 weeks before the expected date of dismissal
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An employee has the right to submit a letter of resignation at any time, but the employer is not obliged to let him go right away: according to the law, he may require a two-week “work off”. However, there are cases when it is possible to receive the final calculation and work book before the expiration of this period
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When a position or work unit is excluded from the staffing table, a staff or number reduction procedure is carried out. If it is impossible to transfer the employee to another position, dismissal occurs at the initiative of the employer. In this case, strict adherence to all formalities is required
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An interview with an employer is a very important and exciting event. Oddly enough, but most of all and most worried are those who are not taking a job for the first time. If you have not worked anywhere before, but still make a good impression, you will most likely be hired
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An old-age pension is a regular lifetime payment that the state provides to persons who have reached retirement age. But in order to receive the well-deserved security from the state, you need to issue an old-age pension by collecting the necessary package of documents and submitting them to the management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
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An application for leave upon dismissal can be submitted by any employee, the basis for termination of the employment contract in this case does not matter. However, the satisfaction of this application is the employer's right, not his obligation, so the company may refuse the employee
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Most of the reasons for dismissal are provided for by labor law, therefore they are always dismissed under any article. At the same time, it is important who the dismissal initiative comes from. Agreement of the parties If you and your employer come to a consensus on your dismissal, article 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be indicated in the work book
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Each person who works under an employment contract has the right to annual paid leave with the retention of his position and salary (Article 114, Chapter 19 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2001, No. 197-FZ). Upon dismissal of an employee, the organization must pay compensation for unused vacation
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Working military retirees are faced with situations in which they need to quit. Labor legislation says that an employee needs to work for two weeks, but does this apply to military citizens who have already retired because of their age? Preferential right There are several popular opinions about the two-week deadline, and each opinion has its own precedents in court:
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When it is necessary to quit unexpectedly and urgently, it is very difficult to convince the bosses to let the employee go "right now." And the employer can be understood, because he will have to look for a new employee as soon as possible, spend time and money on training a newcomer
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Persons who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to get an additional job at the place of main production or with another employer. Internal or external part-time jobs take place in their free time from the main job. Even if an employee gets a part-time job in his organization, along with an employment contract for the main job, it is necessary to draw up a part-time contract
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The activities of notary chambers and offices, as well as those notaries who carry out private practice on an individual basis, are based on a normative act adopted in 1993 - "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries"
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Sometimes in life there are situations when the employee is not paid wages for his work done. Often this happens due to the employer's dishonesty or in the event of a conflict between the employer and the employee. However, such cases are illegal and can be resolved
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The employer may incur administrative or criminal liability for delayed wages. In addition, the organization will be financially liable to employees in the form of an obligation to pay interest on delays. Instructions Step 1 Delay in wages for any period is an administrative offense, liability for which is provided for by current legislation
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Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is evidenced by the main law of the country - the Constitution - and the law "On military service and conscription." However, do the citizens of the state know what this document includes, what rights and responsibilities it gives to the military and how military service is implemented
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The procedure for considering citizens' appeals by state bodies is regulated by legislation and internal regulations of organizations. You do not need to know these requirements thoroughly to solve your pressing issues, but you need to have an understanding of them
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In case of unforeseen situations, you may need qualified legal assistance, for this they usually turn to either private lawyers or a law firm. But very often in this profession there are scammers who are not able to provide professional assistance, but only take money from clients
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The Internet is the area where copyright protection is most difficult. First, it is not always easy to find the violator and generally find out in time that your copyright has been violated. Secondly, it is no less difficult to achieve justice
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According to the current Russian legislation, the rights to the bulk of works of various kinds falling under its protection automatically arise from the moment of their creation and are not subject to registration. However, this does not prevent you from taking some steps to ensure proof of your authorship
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In the course of the company's business, some managers draw up sales and purchase agreements. Such legal documents must be in writing. It is very important to draw up the contract correctly, since it is he who regulates the relationship between the counterparties
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Many artists face the problem of realizing their paintings. In particular, when it comes to exporting artwork abroad. In order to bring a picture abroad, you need to get a certificate confirming that the picture is not a cultural value. Necessary - application to the department of culture at the place of residence
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The procedure for registration of temporary registration for citizens of the Russian Federation will take you up to 10 days. Temporary registration is carried out by housing cooperatives, hotels, hostels of the hotel type. It can be obtained by both citizens of the Russian Federation who have permanent registration, and those who do not have one
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For drinking alcoholic beverages in public places, citizens of our country are forced to pay a considerable fine. The punishment for this act for foreigners, stateless persons is identical. Drinking any alcohol in public places is considered an administrative offense
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Modern technologies for the construction of residential apartment buildings make it possible to reduce the time of their construction to several months. But it may take much more time to complete all the mandatory documentation, the need for which is stipulated in the current legislation
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A patent is a title of protection that confirms the copyright for a particular product. To patent your result of physical labor, you must first draw up an application for the corresponding document. Necessary - application form
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Residence permit - a document issued to a foreigner confirming the right to permanently reside in the country. The procedure for granting a residence permit is governed by national legislation. Staying in the country without permission is a violation of immigration laws
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In case of reinstatement of a dismissed employee at work by a court decision, the employer faces two questions: what payments should be made to such an employee and what to do with the amounts that were paid upon dismissal? The employer who allowed the illegal dismissal is obliged to reimburse the restored employee for lost earnings (according to part 2 of article 394 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), moral damage in the amount determined by the court (par
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Many dog owners are extremely careless about their responsibilities for keeping animals and do not care about the safety of the people around them. Such frivolous behavior sometimes leads to dire consequences. A person who has been attacked by a dog has a natural desire to receive compensation for damage and punish the negligent owner of the animal
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Various disputes often arise between individuals and representatives of various organizations, which can only be resolved through a court. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a statement of claim and send it to the appropriate judicial authority
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If a third party or organization violates your copyright, you can apply for their protection in court. In some cases, the effect may also have a solution to the problem out of court, namely by sending a claim to the offender. If this measure did not give a result, the last word is with the court
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Unlike the legislation of a number of other states, where the concept of "transaction" is used in various branches of law, in Russian legal practice this category refers exclusively to the sphere of civil law. The norms fixing the concept and basic requirements for transactions are contained in Chapter 9 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation)
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A patent is a special document that certifies the ownership of an invention, model or industrial design. The term of the patent varies from 10 to 25 years. It is possible to patent a product both within the state and to obtain an international patent
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If you are engaged in scientific activities, then skillfully patenting your own inventions is an important factor in success and career advancement. For each use of your patent in any development, you will be transferred a certain amount of money
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The Civil Code stipulates the right of commercial organizations, when concluding sales contracts, to set any price, guided by market conditions and the terms of each specific transaction. But there is a form of contracts that, given certain conditions, are considered public, in which case any party that is a buyer receives a product or service at a fixed price