Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is evidenced by the main law of the country - the Constitution - and the law "On military service and conscription." However, do the citizens of the state know what this document includes, what rights and responsibilities it gives to the military and how military service is implemented. All representatives of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are called upon to obey this law.

History of military service in Russia
Fatherland, Motherland, patriotism - these words are familiar to every citizen from the moment of birth. People understand the meaning of these words as love for their country, a desire to see it healthy and prosperous. However, not all citizens see the legal meaning of these words.
Where did the term "military service" come from? Initially, the concept of military service did not exist. In Ancient Russia there were no military men, the prince's vigilantes performed their duties. This was not considered a defense of the Fatherland. The squad was called upon to carry out military campaigns, collect tribute and personal protection of the prince. Its composition is not professional military, but representatives of the service class. Moreover, the defense of the Fatherland was not in the first place among the vigilantes, they could not be stripped of their rank for breaking the law, since there was no such law.

For the first time, it became known about military service since the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It was he who adopted the Military Decree, according to which a streltsy army was formed in Russia. The duties of the archers included military service, protecting the borders of the state from foreign invaders. Representatives of this class were engaged not only in military service. At the request of the king, the archers became a punitive detachment that could punish the instigators of the riots. There were frequent cases when the archers themselves became rioters. According to historical sources, the streltsy army became the prototype of the future Russian army.

The formation of the regular Russian army took place during the reign of Tsar Peter the Great. It was with his submission that a regular army was created in Russia on the basis of two guards regiments - Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky. In 1705, Peter the Great issued a decree on recruitment. The recruits were peasants who were supposed to perform duties in the form of military service. A number of documents were issued that regulated the passage of military service and the performance of military duties. These include the "Military Charter", the Sea Charter, "Table of Ranks". These documents established the requirements for recruits, as well as for settlements, which became the centers of the formation of the Russian army. However, the orders did not say anything about the terms of service. The servicemen held their posts for life.
Over the course of time and the development of military affairs in Russia, the duties of servicemen have changed, as well as the requirements for the formation of troops. The main changes to the law "on conscription and military service" were introduced in 1993, during the creation of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Definition of conscription and military service
The definition of conscription is contained in the Federal Law "On conscription and military service". According to this document, conscription is the duty of a citizen to carry out military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and perform other duties related to the defense of the country. Also, conscription is a certain type of conscription that must be performed by citizens of a state who do not have citizenship of another country. Representatives of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation who are subject to conscription, are called upon to perform military service.
Military service is the professional service activity of citizens in military positions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in special formations and bodies designed to ensure the protection and protection of the state borders, as well as the population of the country. Military service is characterized by a number of features. The purpose of military service is to protect the borders of the state and people from the encroachments of foreign states. A future soldier must undergo the necessary training in special educational institutions, in the army, in military positions. Preparation for military service and its passage is conditioned by a number of legislative acts of the state, such as the Law "On military personnel", the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law "On military duty and military service."
The military service of citizens of the Russian Federation is carried out in military formations, as part of the National Guard, state security agencies, as well as in various instances that are not directly related to military service.
Military duty
The passage of military service includes several points:
1) registration at the military commissariat at the place of residence
2) passing military training
3) conscription service, which is carried out twice a year - in autumn and spring
4) stay in stock
5) the need to participate in military training

A special bill exempts women from conscription military service if they do not have special education. There are categories of citizens who are exempt from military service, as well as citizens replacing active service with alternative civilian service. There are a number of circumstances for this: imprisonment, illness, non-conformity of military service with a religion or a citizen's convictions.
Military service
The order of military service is determined in two ways - by conscription and by contract. According to the conscription service, every adult citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to serve 1 year in the ranks of the Russian army. In this case, he needs to register for military service at the age of 17 at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. All citizens are subject to military registration, if there are no grounds for refusing to serve.
If foreign citizens live on the territory of the state, then they can also undergo military service under the contract. According to the Federal Law "On military personnel," their status becomes officially enshrined. Citizens who are citizens of another state are subject to mandatory fingerprinting registration.
According to the provisions of the law, citizens must submit to the commissariat all personal data, information about education and the results of the medical commission. On the basis of these documents, the military registration and enlistment office decides in which structural units the young people will serve. Each conscript must have the necessary knowledge about the structure of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the stages of military service, as well as in the field of defense and protection of state borders. Citizens receive all this information while studying at school or secondary specialized institutions.

During measures to prepare for military service, citizens receive a statutory salary, material reimbursement of the cost of housing or travel to the place of work. For the duration of their military service, citizens are exempt from their main activities while retaining their place of work or study.
End of military service
Citizens who have completed military service by conscription are subject to dismissal. If the age of a person has not reached 27 years old at the time of dismissal, then such a citizen is in the reserve and can be called up to training camps or military events. Servicemen who have committed unlawful acts, expelled from military educational organizations, and also completed active service are subject to dismissal. The dismissal of representatives of senior officers is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.
For citizens doing military service under a contract, the end of military activity is the end of the contract. Young people at the end of their service receive a military ID. The same document is received by citizens transferred to the reserve or not admitted to military service.