The law "On Education" adopted in 2013 was no longer able to meet all the requirements and needs of society. It hindered or prevented the development of individual elements in the educational process, as well as being the starting point for resolving disagreements. And therefore, the question of replacing the old law arose sharply, but not by making additions, but by a new act, containing all new and advanced developments in the field of education.

Until recently, the main document in the field of education was the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which entered into force on September 1, 2013. It was a fundamental document regulating one of the main spheres of the socio-economic life of society.
It formulated the fundamental concepts, structures, principles, characteristics and conditions concerning the rights and obligations of the subjects involved in the process. It replaced two documents developed and adopted in the post-Soviet era.
The normative act adopted in 2012 was further refined, amendments and changes were made to it, articles were supplemented, supplemented or deleted. The emergence of new methods, methods of certification, reforming the structure of higher education, ultimately, led to the fact that the law in fact became not just outdated, but actually useless in the field of innovations.
The reason for the adjustments was not only the lagging behind, the appearance of gaps and collisions in education, but also the lack of timely and prompt intervention and correction of the situation on the part of the authorities and representatives of education.
The main adjustments were made in February 2018, but then some of the articles of the updated law were again sent back for revision. On March 7, the final version of the Education Law came into force.
The new document covers all the breakthrough, technology-oriented changes that have occurred since the entry into force of the first document. “The Federal Law“On Education”is a normative act consisting of 15 chapters, including 111 articles.
The new law spelled out the rights, guarantees, duties of students, their representatives, teachers, educational institutions, the learning process itself, financing, the provisions of primary, general, vocational education, the possibility of obtaining benefits for low-income groups of the population. But these rules are established at the general level and require detailed addition and regulation by separate by-laws of the authorities or local self-government, decrees of the Ministry of Education.
For the first time, new concepts were enshrined in the law: family, distance, evening, network, e-learning, external studies. The new law introduced the terms "e-school" and "online lessons". These methods can be used by all citizens who have the right to education. But an individual schedule is drawn up for students only for weighty reasons that do not allow them to receive education according to a single system developed for all. These include athletes, students who have transferred from other schools with a more advanced curriculum, students with health problems, and students in a music school.
Lyceums and gymnasiums received the same status as other general education schools. The state canceled the pre-existing benefits for orphans, which allowed them to enter a higher educational institution without passing exams. Instead, the new law for this category of the population spelled out the opportunity to take preparatory courses for free, as well as receive a social scholarship for one year, on an equal basis with the disabled, Chernobyl victims, war veterans and other persons prescribed by the law. There was a ten percent quota for people with disabilities on admission. The concept of "second, third shift" was also taken out of use.
One of the most important innovations was the recognition of preschool education as an initial stage in the educational system, which significantly influenced the change in the status of the kindergartens themselves and the children who attend them. But it is still considered a citizen's right, not an obligation. The representative of a minor child decides for himself whether to use this right or not. Financing of education in a preschool institution falls on the shoulders of the state, the further educational process is entirely on the parents or legal representatives.
Preschool education should be ubiquitous and accessible, as it is an important stage in the receipt of further education by children. Neither the kindergarten nor the school has the right to refuse admission, this is possible only in the absence of free places.
The terms “upper level”, “stage of education” have gone from the normative act to the past, in the new document it is listed as “secondary general education”.
Vocational education, including postgraduate education, has also undergone a series of changes. The training of highly qualified personnel was attributed to the third level of education (graduate school, residency, etc.). Postgraduate education was transformed into training in specialized programs (graduate school, residency, trainee, assistant). The new law took doctoral studies outside the framework of education, transferring it to the structure of scientific activity.
Professional education was divided into four levels: Secondary, bachelor's, specialty, master's, training of highly qualified personnel.
The new version of the federal law is more socially oriented in contrast to its predecessor. For the first time, he touches on the issues of training certain categories of the population:
· Convicted;
· Foreigners, stateless persons;
· People with disabilities;
· People with outstanding abilities.
Separately, special rights, duties, benefits and status of teachers were spelled out, allowing them to qualify for early retirement with continuous service, an increase in annual leave, certification with the award of a higher category, advanced training, social support.
The law enshrines the points related to the remuneration of the teaching staff, the acquisition of teaching aids, stationery and other items necessary for organizing the educational process.
To regulate the work of the teaching staff, a special executive body will be created to monitor the lawful and timely solution of work and social issues related to the implementation of their direct activities by teachers and educational institutions.
Separately, it should be said about the popularization of literature and the Russian language not only among schoolchildren and teachers, but also among the entire population. Carrying out total dictations in all regions of the Russian Federation annually shows interest in these events. The number of those wishing to test their knowledge is growing from year to year.
Among the innovations that are predicted this year, we can note the creation of specialized universities in the regions. Their main goal is to retain specialists and raise the level of the socio-economic sphere. The state plans to significantly increase scholarships and continue issuing loans for tuition fees. The workflow for licensing and accreditation procedures is planned to be transferred to electronic form.
The new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" is internationally recognized as an effective document that regulates and regulates the education sector in detail and most fully, reflecting the provisions of the Constitution in its text.