When young people reach a certain age, they receive a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and undergo a special medical commission. If a guy is fit for military service, he becomes a conscript and goes to serve in the army.

Russia is very large and extremely unevenly populated, which means that it is impossible to carry out service on a territorial basis in the Russian army. Although in recent years it has become clear that the military registration and enlistment offices do not send conscripts far from their homeland for no apparent reason and unless absolutely necessary. Looking from an economic point of view, for the state the territorial principle of service is much more beneficial than monetary compensation to a soldier for moving and keeping on the road. And psychologists have long proved that for the soldiers themselves, service in their hometown or in the nearby territory is the most comfortable and calm.
Most often, the military registration and enlistment office listens to the wishes of the future soldier, but the outcome of the case does not depend on this. Some time ago, conscripts, regardless of their place of residence, could be sent to serve where the shortage was recorded. Now this need has disappeared, so the wishes of the guys still began to be taken into account.
An important factor in making a decision on the place of service is the conclusion of a special medical commission at the territorial military registration and enlistment office. There are diseases that exclude the possibility of living in hot or, conversely, cold climates. Therefore, the place of service largely depends on the health of the conscript.
From all of the above, we can conclude that the main factors in the distribution of recruits are the territorial principle, the state of health of a young person, his personality traits and many other tests. If you are worried that a conscript who has already served more than half of his term will be sent to serve in a hot spot, this will not happen. Only specially trained and trained people are sent to such places. Most likely, young people who have chosen contract service will be sent to hot spots.