Various disputes often arise between individuals and representatives of various organizations, which can only be resolved through a court. To do this, it is necessary to draw up a statement of claim and send it to the appropriate judicial authority.

Step 1
Find out to which of the Russian courts your claim should be attributed. To do this, you need to determine the parties to the dispute, the nature of the relationship between them and the legislation governing them in the form of the current procedural and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation. For example, if one natural person brings a claim to another natural or legal person, this dispute should be attributed to the competence of the civil court of the Russian Federation. If a dispute arises between two or more legal entities or government organizations, the case will be considered by arbitration, regional and other courts. To save time, you can file a claim with an arbitration court, which is a non-governmental judicial body. This decision must be agreed between all parties to the dispute.
Step 2
You need to file a claim in court, the location of which is also determined depending on the nature of the dispute. Most often, the plaintiff must go to the court located at the place of residence of the defendant or the legal address of the company. At the same time, the legislation provides for exceptions, for example, if the location of the defendant is unknown. In this and some other cases, you can file a claim in court at the place of residence of the plaintiff. If the dispute is related to economic and property relations, you need to go to court at the location of the objects of the proceedings (buildings, land, etc.).
Step 3
Make sure that the statement of claim is drawn up in accordance with all the requirements provided for by the relevant procedural code of the Russian Federation. In the header of the application, you must indicate the name and address of the court. Then follows the text of the statement indicating the personal data of the plaintiff and the defendant, the nature of the dispute and the requirements. The document is confirmed by the signature of the plaintiff. As an application, you can use printed documents, audio and video recordings, as well as any other materials that may appear in the case as evidence. Do not forget to pay the stipulated state fee and attach the received receipt to the application. The finished documents should be handed over to the office of the authorized court.