Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The business "did not go", family circumstances, relocation, offered a profitable job for hire - there can be many personal reasons for closing a business for an individual entrepreneur. The closing procedure is not that difficult and costly if you paid all taxes on time and worked without other violations of the law
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
If you have exceptional taste or just got the opportunity to sell clothes in Russia, be aware that for this type of business you will need a certain list of permits. Instructions Step 1 Officially, no special types of documents, such as licenses for the sale of this type of product, are required, except for the sale of children's things, for which the seller must obtain a certificate of quality of the product
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You can sign legally significant documents in person or delegate your authority to a trusted person. A notarial power of attorney to perform any actions, including the right to sign, is drawn up on the basis of Article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and is of three types
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Often in a store, interested in the cost of a product, customers shoot the price tag on their phone camera. Almost immediately, security officers or staff rush to such a person. They make a remark informing the photographer about the ban on filming
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The main constituent document for an organization of any form of ownership is the charter. According to the requirements of the legislation governing the activities of LLC, CJSC, OJSC, etc., any change in the constituent documents is subject to state registration
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Often at large enterprises, firms, organizations, facts of theft of this or that material, office supplies, equipment, etc. are revealed. In view of this, special penalties, material punishment or even dismissal are imposed on the employees or the employee who committed the theft
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When concluding an agreement with a counterparty, the party must be sure of its decency. It is often possible to collect the necessary information about the company before signing the contract. This can be done in different ways. It is necessary - access to the Internet
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Organizations must conduct inventory with enviable regularity. After all, this is how you can control the safety of equipment and other office furnishings. And the procedure for conducting an inventory check is even enshrined in law. It is necessary - forms of documents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
You have a company, but there is no commercial need for it: or it has already fulfilled its mission in the market; or you just decided to change the field of activity; or other reasons? Whatever the reasons, it is necessary to make a fateful decision - to terminate the activities of the company
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The term "tender" denotes the holding of a tender - a kind of bidding for the right to receive a contract for the performance of a certain amount of work. Tenders are the main method of purchasing / ordering services for government or commercial orders
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In a business related to commerce, situations are often encountered when a participant (or participants) of a limited liability company comes to the conclusion that it is impossible to continue entrepreneurial activity and decides to voluntarily liquidate the organization
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The sale of a share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company (hereinafter, simply - "LLC") by one participant to another is a common procedure drawn up with the help of such documents as an offer to sell a share, an acceptance for it, minutes of a meeting of a general meeting of participants, a purchase agreement
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Not all beginner entrepreneurs are familiar with how to obtain a license for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. It is, of course, difficult to resolve the issues of licensing and registration of alcohol, but it is possible. Instructions Step 1 If you decide to manufacture or trade alcoholic beverages, start with the mandatory registration of a new legal entity
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Today, through the portal of public services, you can solve almost any life situation: make an appointment with a doctor, get a passport and pay taxes and fines. The main thing is to get access to your personal account. Registration on the portal of public services To register on the portal of public services, an individual will need the following documents:
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The portal of state services (Gosuslugi) is a convenient reference and information site for Russia. According to statistics for 2018, 86 million Russians were registered, the number continues to grow. Russian citizens can pay taxes, fines, receive deductions and other information by registering on the site, and, at the same time, they do not even have to leave their homes
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The power of attorney gives the right to the representative to perform certain actions on behalf and in the interests of the represented person in front of third parties. In some cases, the law allows you to reissue a power of attorney to another person
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In various fields of activity, situations often arise that require written confirmation in the form of an act. There are a fairly large number of types of acts, which are subdivided according to content and purpose. For example, acts of acceptance, delivery, inspection, testing, revision, and so on
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Determining by appearance whether a person was sitting or not is not easy at all. Of course, if you have a well-developed so-called sixth sense, then it will be an easy task for you. But what if intuition says nothing, but you just need to find out?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Usually, all orders for the leave of employees are signed by the head of the organization. But what if the director himself goes to rest? Who will release him, in whose name will he write a statement? The Labor Code stipulates that employees are entitled to annual paid leave according to the approved schedule
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Claims activity is of great importance in case of violation of the terms of the contract of business entities. The fact is that in order to go to court to collect a debt in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 151 of the COD, it is necessary to present evidence of attempts at pre-trial settlement of the dispute, otherwise the claim will not be accepted for consideration
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It is advisable to periodically reconcile mutual settlements for the obligations of the parties. As a rule, they determine the state of settlements at the end of a calendar year, month, or another period specified in the contract. The reconciliation act is signed at the end of the contractual relationship
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
If you were sold a low-quality product and they refuse to return the money, if you are unhappy with the level of service, then you can reflect all your claims in the book of complaints and suggestions. It is necessary RF Law of 07
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If you are unhappy with the service in a store, restaurant or other institution, you should not sort things out and make trouble. You can act in a more civilized manner and indicate your claims in the book of reviews and suggestions. With its help, you can apply directly to the management of the institution and protect your rights
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
One of the types of internal documents are orders of the head. With their help, he manages the organization. Conditionally, they can be divided into orders for the economic, production activities of the enterprise, the second group is made up of orders for personnel
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The current economic activity of any enterprise is accompanied by the need to issue orders. The order is signed by the head of the organization or the person who performs the duties of the head on the basis of a power of attorney or order. Orders regulate issues in all areas of activity
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Often in organizations, if there are good reasons, primarily legal, it becomes necessary to amend previously issued orders. In order to avoid conflicts and disputes in the future, this must be done legally competently. So, what are the main points that an order to amend a previously issued order should contain?
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Even in small enterprises, it is periodically necessary to formalize the instructions of the head in writing and, as a rule, in such cases, orders are issued. The need to make changes to previously issued local acts may be caused by various internal and external reasons, but in any case, such amendments must be drawn up correctly
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
It is difficult to find someone who has never complained about an insult from a salesperson. But the opposite situation is no less common, when sellers suffer from unworthy buyer behavior. In the classification of professions, the work of a salesperson belongs to the type "
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It is possible to determine the authenticity of a document on the basis of checking its mandatory details, the presence of external signs of forgery. In addition, you can use the help of the authority that issued the relevant document, order a professional examination
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An explanatory note is a document drawn up by an employee for transfer to an official, designed to explain the reasons for non-compliance with requirements, non-compliance with deadlines or other violations. The document can be drawn up in a simple written form, since its execution is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation
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An extract from the order is a document issued upon request to transfer a fragment of information from the current order, for example, to an employee to confirm the length of service when calculating a labor pension by the social security authorities
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An extract from the work book is made by an employee of the organization's personnel department on the basis of a written application from the employee within three working days. This provision is enshrined in Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as clause 7 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, making forms of work books and providing employers with them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No
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When conducting personnel records management, in practice, there are situations when you or an employee of your organization suddenly find out that the records of his transfer to other positions or the assignment of a new category or category are missing in the work book
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In the labor process, it is not uncommon for one employee to leave and the need for another employee to perform his job function. A typical case is the temporary retirement of an employee while retaining his place of work. For example, when a woman is granted maternity leave, and then leave to care for a child up to 3 years old
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
An order is an internal document of an organization that regulates organizational, personnel and other issues of the enterprise. As a rule, this administrative document is drawn up by the head himself. Sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to make adjustments to a previously signed order
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When the labor function, working conditions and other essential conditions of the employment contract change, an additional agreement is drawn up. The last document is an integral part of the agreement (contract) with the employee. If the clauses of an agreement previously drawn up and signed are changed, it is necessary to draw up a new document called a supplementary agreement to the employment contract
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The job description governing the labor function of an employee is an important document. It stipulates the range of his job responsibilities, limits of responsibility and qualification requirements for the position held. This document is not static, it must promptly reflect the change in these, structural, organizational, production and other requirements, supplemented and adjusted over time
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
If you violated the law and must appear in court on time, repay the loan, repay the debt, but not only do not want to do this, but also hide in your home or, for example, at work, then this will not be your salvation. Sooner or later, strong tall guys in black uniforms with shoulder straps and the inscription FSSP - Federal Bailiff Service will come anyway
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
With the advent of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia, a civilized system of enforcement of court decisions appeared. But sometimes one has to face the reluctance of bailiffs-executors to promptly execute court decisions, as well as outright inaction
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
You have to deal with the bailiff when seeking debt, alimony, resolving litigation. This is not surprising, because a bailiff is an official who enforces the enforcement of court decisions and orders. The service role of bailiffs is to take measures for the successful implementation of court decisions