An order is an internal document of an organization that regulates organizational, personnel and other issues of the enterprise. As a rule, this administrative document is drawn up by the head himself. Sometimes there are situations when it is simply necessary to make adjustments to a previously signed order. Of course, in this case, it is advisable to draw up an agreement. But how to do that?

Step 1
First, it should be noted that it is very convenient to create an addendum to a previously issued order, and there will be no problems with the tax inspectorate. Some companies sign several orders that contradict each other, for example, an order for payment of travel expenses before departure. This is followed by an order to pay such costs upon the return of an employee from a business trip. Naturally, it is not difficult to get confused here: whether to pay before, or after. In this case, an addendum is drawn up, which is attached to the previously issued administrative document.
Step 2
When drawing up an addendum to a previously signed order, make a note that this is exactly an addendum. Also indicate the number, date and purpose of the previous order, that is, you can make the following wording: "Supplementing the order on (purpose) No. (indicate the number of the order) from (indicate the date) …".
Step 3
To change one of the conditions of the previous version of the administrative document, you can add the following wording: "Item No. (indicate which) of the order from (indicate the date) No. (order number) to be revised …", then indicate the amended text.
Step 4
Of course, the previous order can be canceled by the order of the head, after which it can be drawn up in a new edition. This method is used most often, as it is very convenient: all conditions are spelled out in one, and there is no need to be guided by several orders.
Step 5
Additions to the order can be made only by the person who signed it and, accordingly, only he can sign the clarifying document. Then put the blue stamp of the organization. The add-on must also be registered. Note that it has the same legal force as the administrative document itself. The supplement is attached to a previously issued order.