Often at large enterprises, firms, organizations, facts of theft of this or that material, office supplies, equipment, etc. are revealed. In view of this, special penalties, material punishment or even dismissal are imposed on the employees or the employee who committed the theft. In view of such circumstances, often the heads of enterprises face the question of how to draw up an act of embezzlement, and whether such an act is needed.

Step 1
It should be noted right away that as such a special act of theft of the employer's property by an employee does not exist. There is a slightly different document, an act that is drawn up after an inventory (accounting for the receipt and consumption of material assets), an act of inventory results at the enterprise, to which a special statement is attached, indicating the identification of a shortage or, on the contrary, a surplus. It is such an act that will indicate that the theft may have been committed, but not in any way confirm it. The inventory act must contain the name of the enterprise, the name of the document, the serial number and date, information about the members of the commission, in the presence of which the inventory took place (the position and name of the chairman of the commission and all members are indicated in alphabetical order), the goals, objectives and results of the audit, in view of which shortage was identified, as well as the total amount of the shortage, the name and number of missing items. At the end, the date of the verification and the signatures of all members of the commission is put.
Step 2
If, during such an inventory, the fact of shortage was revealed, it is necessary to do a number of the following actions.
Step 3
Write a memo addressed to the director, indicating your full name, describe the circumstances of everything that happened, indicate the date and time of the event. Create a special commission that will identify and document the fact of theft. Transfer the case materials to the police department so that an additional check can be scheduled during investigative actions, an answer will be given whether theft takes place or not.
Step 4
When operational officers identify and confirm the fact of theft by a certain group of persons or by one employee, a claim is filed with the Court, which will have to oblige the culprit to return the stolen goods or to reimburse its value.
Step 5
After the results of the trial, the director issues an appropriate order indicating the dismissal of the employee and the termination of the employment contract with him in view of revealing the fact of theft at the place of work. Such an entry is subsequently entered into the labor book.