When carrying out legally significant transactions, the parties are obliged to draw up a unified act of transfer of form No. OS-1. The document is written by hand in duplicate, sealed with the signatures of the leaders who concluded the deal.

It is necessary
- - act of a unified form;
- - order or order;
- - technical certificate;
- - inventory card.
Step 1
At the beginning of the act, in the appropriate columns, indicate the full details of the parties who entered into the transaction: full names of the heads, legal address of companies, telefax, bank accounts, in which include the name of the servicing bank, correspondent account and BIK.
Step 2
Draw up the main part of the document on the basis of an order or instruction. Indicate the serial number of the official document on the basis of which the act was drawn up, when, by whom and where the order or order was issued.
Step 3
The deed of transfer must have a serial number, date of issue. In the table on the right, enter the date of acceptance and write-off of the object or product in the form of primary accounting. Fill in the information from the certificate of conformity, technical passport and inventory card.
Step 4
Fill in the act with the complete information of the transferred medium: brand, model, color, technical purpose, year of manufacture, full name of the manufacturer, address of the location of the object.
Step 5
Be sure to include information about the service life, the period of the overhaul, the useful life, the original price and the residual value, which is indicated on account No. 01.
Step 6
In the table, enter all the brief technical characteristics of the object, the item number, the quantity in pieces or weight, spare parts and components that you plan to transfer along with the fixed assets.
Step 7
During the transfer, both managers and several members of the acceptance committee, created from members of the administration of one and the other enterprise participating in the transaction, must be present.
Step 8
At the bottom, put the signatures of the managers, all members of the acceptance committee, the date, the seal of the organization transferring the fixed assets.
Step 9
After the full signing of the deed, the transaction is considered completed, you must make transfers to your account and pick up the transferred fixed assets.