The job description governing the labor function of an employee is an important document. It stipulates the range of his job responsibilities, limits of responsibility and qualification requirements for the position held. This document is not static, it must promptly reflect the change in these, structural, organizational, production and other requirements, supplemented and adjusted over time. Changes to it are made in accordance with labor laws.

Step 1
In the event that the job description is an annex to the employment contract, then changing it will automatically change its conditions. It must take place in accordance with Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This means that all changes must be made only by agreement of the parties and be drawn up in a separate document concluded between the employer and the employee in writing. If the job description was approved by a separate document, then the employment contract does not need to be changed. In this case, a new job description is approved by a separate order.
Step 2
Changes to existing job descriptions should be made taking into account certain conditions of the employment contract. The labor function, which is determined by the job description, is a prerequisite for the employment contract. Making adjustments to the job description is equivalent to a transfer to another job, for which, in accordance with part one of Art. 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the written consent of the employee is required.
Step 3
The need to amend job descriptions arises in the event of changes in organizational and technological working conditions, which must be confirmed by an appropriate order listing specific conditions and changes and a link to supporting documents.
Step 4
If the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not provide otherwise, then the employee must be warned about upcoming changes in his job duties no later than two months in advance. The fact of receipt of the notification is evidenced by the signature of the employee with the obligatory indication of the date of acquaintance. After that, the employer makes changes to the text of the employment contract, and to job descriptions, and other local regulations.
Step 5
The company should keep records of changes in job descriptions. For this, there must be a special journal, which records the essence of the changes with reference to the relevant items. The previous job description must be archived for at least three years after it was changed.