Often in a store, interested in the cost of a product, customers shoot the price tag on their phone camera. Almost immediately, security officers or staff rush to such a person. They make a remark informing the photographer about the ban on filming. No arguments that it is necessary to consult with relatives before buying do not work. So can you take pictures of price tags?

Any prohibitions on video or photography are established by federal laws of Russia. There are no taboos on amateur filming. This does not mean the quality of the photos, but the purpose of the images.
Prohibition under prohibition
Amateur filming is carried out by visitors for personal use. It has nothing to do with business. Advertisements posted in sales areas prohibit filming without prior agreement with the administration or the owners of the establishment.
Meanwhile, the information available to the general public, according to the Constitution, can be used by any means without violating other provisions of the law. Since everyone can enter the trading floor, and the price tags are visible to everyone, there are no restrictions on photographing the price tags.
If desired, visitors have every right not only to view the value label, but also to photograph it for personal use. This is provided by the law on information.
It should not be forgotten that the right to receive detailed information about all products in the sales area is expressly stated in the legislation on the protection of the rights of buyers. Thus, the sellers are not concerned with how the buyer will dispose of the information received. At the same time, employees are still actively trying to convince people that filming violates generally accepted rules:
- the interior and exterior of the store are trade secrets;
- both logos and trademarks are subject to copyright protection.

The buyer is always right
It is not known how the administration can save such data, if the decoration of the store is in no way classified by anyone, on the contrary: it is put on public display. And all the features of trade secrets are spelled out in the law FZ-98.
Only when concluding agreements with suppliers, you can claim its terms. It is unlikely that the buyer will actively express a desire to go to the administration office to photograph several documents.
Neither the logo nor the trademark may be used without special permission. But filming is not a violation of the author's rights. The price tag is not a construction object, not a computer program, not a movie, not a painting. So it has nothing to do with copyright.
The building of the shopping center is a private property. All the rules inside are set by the owners. But no requirements should conflict with the norms of the law. And the obstacle to obtaining information is not supported anywhere.

If the store employees interfere with the filming, it is useful to notify them about the contradiction of such behavior with the norms of the law. If they try to take away the smartphone or camera, you should not obey. If necessary, the visitor can even call the police squad.