Advertising photography, whatever you are filming, involves presenting the advertised product in a favorable light. The success of promoting, for example, shoes directly depends on the quality of the photographer's work, i.e. from the combination of the flight of your creativity and professionalism.

- - reflex camera;
- - lighting sources;
- - model;
- - interior or nature.
Step 1
Choose an interior. It can be a spacious room or a small room, a balcony, a gym, etc. It all depends on the style and style of the shoe you are taking off. Set up suitable lighting. Use diffused light, reflectors to create an even light pattern. Choose a background depending on the color of your shoes.
Try to choose it in such a way that the shoes stand out on it in color, texture, or otherwise. For example, against the background of a light wall, dark or bright shoes will look most beneficial. And, accordingly, vice versa.
Step 2
Shoot on location. Natural light can look just as beneficial in photography. Many advertising photographers are moving away from the idea of shooting in studios and prefer to look for new, unusual ways to create images. Therefore, they shoot in the forest, on the coast, old dilapidated architectural objects, in city squares, etc. The choice of nature depends on the idea behind the photograph.
Step 3
Pick a model. Shoe advertising does not necessarily involve close-ups of shoes. You can fantasize, ask your model to try on advertised shoes in the most unusual places. The main thing is to create sufficiently effective lighting so that the shoes look bright and you want to try them on.
Step 4
Work with the model to create an attractive look that potential customers (and customers if you take off men's shoes) want to look like. Take a picture - part of the story, so that from its content it is roughly clear what kind of life the person depicted in the photo leads.
In the photo, you need to create a world that everyone who looks at this photo wants to get into. And shoes should look like an integral part of this world. Those. if you are filming a love date situation, the girl's shoes should emphasize her elegance or extravagance. It all depends on the chosen plot.