How To Write A Claim For Shoes

How To Write A Claim For Shoes
How To Write A Claim For Shoes

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A new pair of shoes can turn out to be a good purchase, or it can become a source of unforeseen problems if you weren't careful enough when choosing, or a marriage soon appeared in the field of purchase. In any case, you have the right to use the warranty issued by the seller to replace shoes or refund the amount paid. To do this, first of all, you should make a claim on the quality of the goods and contact the trading organization where the shoes were purchased.

How to write a claim for shoes
How to write a claim for shoes


Step 1

Write your complaint letter in free writing on a standard A4 sheet. In the upper right corner, traditionally reserved by the rules for processing business papers for details, indicate the name, form of ownership and address of the trading organization. Write the position and personal data (last name, first name and patronymic) of the head of the company, to whom the claim is actually addressed. Please provide your details below (full name, home address and contact phone number). In the center of the sheet, write the name of the document "Claim".

Step 2

Start the main part by stating the fact of purchasing a pair of shoes in a particular store, with a link to the supporting documents you have (cashier's receipt, warranty card). Next, describe the shortcomings of this pair of shoes identified after purchase.

Step 3

State your requirements, which may include replacing a similar pair of shoes, reducing the cost, eliminating defects (repairs) or refunding the amount paid. Be sure to include a link to article 18, paragraph 1 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", according to which you have the right to fulfill one of your requirements.

Step 4

In the final part, indicate the time allowed by the law to consider your claim. And inform about your intentions to go to court for further proceedings if the seller does not take steps to satisfy your legal requirements. List the attachments that will be an addition to your letter (receipt and warranty).

Step 5

Sign the claim and date it. Make a letter in two copies, one of which (with a mark of delivery) will remain with you.
