To defend your rights when buying goods, you need to be sufficiently savvy in the legal sense. Use a few tips to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation when buying a low-quality product.

- - product;
- - check.
Step 1
Buy shoes only in specialized stores that can provide you with a sales receipt and a warranty for the purchased product. Avoid buying shoes from the markets or by hand. Then no one can guarantee you the quality of the goods, especially return money for it or exchange it.
Step 2
Please consult the seller at the time of purchase. Find out all about the properties of the shoes you are going to buy. For what conditions is it suitable. If these are winter shoes, what temperatures are they designed for, whether the sole is stitched or simply glued. Are the materials from which the shoes are made natural (leather, fur).
Step 3
Be sure to ask the seller if it is possible to exchange or return the product if it does not fit or is of poor quality. You should be aware that an exchange is made if you provide a check. In case the receipt is lost, you can bring witnesses to confirm the purchase.
Step 4
In the event that the shoes do not fit in size, and you just want to exchange them, then the main (legal) requirement that the seller can present to you is that the shoes must retain their presentation. There should be no wear marks on it. In the event that this condition is not met, the seller has the right to refuse you an exchange.
Step 5
If you want to exchange a low-quality product (in which there is a manufacturing defect), then the seller cannot deny you this requirement. To establish the fact of marriage, shoes can be submitted for examination. It usually lasts no more than 15 days. If experts can prove the presence of a manufacturing defect, the seller is obliged to return the money to you or exchange the product for a quality one. You can do this within two years from the date of purchase.
Step 6
You have the right to dispute the results of the examination if you think that it was not carried out at the proper level. You can challenge your right to an honest examination in court. True, the costs of legal fees can significantly exceed the cost of the shoe itself.
Step 7
When returning a defective item, please follow the instructions below. First, just come to the store with your shoes if the money is not returned immediately. Hand over the claim. If the money is not returned after this step, then fill out the documents for an independent examination.