Unfortunately, no one is insured against the purchase of low-quality or defective goods. Even if you buy a mobile phone in the salon of a well-known network, it may happen that your new thing will refuse to work or will be a little "kinky". Sellers are often reluctant to accept the goods back, taking advantage of the buyer's uncertainty and ignorance of their rights.

Step 1
It is possible to return the phone to the seller in case of damage or defects. A quality product can only be returned if you were misled or did not provide the necessary information about the product when purchasing. Within a certain period regulated by law, you can replace the defective product with a similar one of proper quality. You can return the unit and get your money back if the seller cannot provide a proper replacement. Returns and exchanges are possible, provided that the product was not in use, and there is proof of purchase from the seller, for example, a check.
Step 2
In order to establish the nature of the malfunctions and the cause of their occurrence (as well as the culprit), the seller is obliged to send the goods for examination, the results of which must be ready within 10 days. If the examination shows that the device malfunction was the fault of the buyer, you can challenge this decision, conduct an independent examination.
Step 3
Thus, if you purchased a low-quality product, you need to contact the seller with a request for a refund or replacement of the device with a new one. If the seller refuses to do this, you should write a claim in duplicate with a clearly formulated requirement (either for a return or replacement) and a detailed description of the problem, do not forget to include the dates. The seller must sign for receipt of the claim on both copies. In the future, all communication with the seller is in writing. Most likely, there will be an examination. In the letter of claim, you can indicate that you insist on being present at the examination and ask to inform the place and time of its carrying out - in this case, you can not hand over the phone to the seller, but personally bring it for examination.
Step 4
After the examination, the seller is obliged to fulfill your request for a refund if it is established that the phone does not work through no fault of yours. If the examination finds you guilty of a phone malfunction, you will either have to agree and pay for the examination yourself, or insist on a second examination and continue to defend your consumer rights.