The price tag is an important attribute of goods turnover, the main function of which is to convey information about the goods being sold to buyers. It is to the commodity price tags that the well-known saying can be applied: the spool is small, but expensive. Indeed, the effectiveness of sales of this product directly depends on how attractive and informative the price tag for a product will be.

Step 1
Set the product group for which you want to create a price tag. The information that the price tag will contain depends on the type of product group. For a group of food products, the price tag should include information such as: name of the product, grade, price per kilogram or one hundred grams, capacity or weight, price per package. For a group of non-food products: product name, grade, price per item. Price tags for each group of goods must be certified by the signature of the materially responsible person.
Step 2
Choose the best color for your product label. There are many marketing theories about the effect of color on purchasing power, so it is recommended to use a color range of price tags that matches the proposed product. Based on marketing secrets for design, you can apply colors to price tags, such as: green - to dairy products, blue - to seafood, bright blue and red - to non-food products.
Step 3
Determine the most appropriate font for your product label. Such a font should attract the attention of consumers, but at the same time not distort the perception of the details indicated on the price tag. The letters of the font should be clear, neat and easy to read. It is important to remember to choose the font style according to the group of products being sold. For example, for product price tags, it is recommended to use bold heavy fonts for household appliances, and light ones with a slight slope for perfumery products.
Step 4
Choose the shape of the product label. It is recommended to use price tags with a simple geometric shape. Information written in geometric price tags is more easily perceived by buyers than that indicated in complex irregular price tags. This is due to the fact that intricate forms distract from information.