In various fields of activity, situations often arise that require written confirmation in the form of an act. There are a fairly large number of types of acts, which are subdivided according to content and purpose. For example, acts of acceptance, delivery, inspection, testing, revision, and so on. Using the example of a document confirming the fact of performing work-services, we will describe one of the ways how to draw up such an act.

Step 1
The Certificate of Completion is a written confirmation of the work performed and the services rendered between the parties to the contract. In the head of the document, in the center of the sheet, its name and date of compilation are written. For example, "Act No. 01 of 2011-12-03" and on the next line under the first inscription - "to perform work-services."
Step 2
The body of the act consists of text and tabular parts. The direct content of the act begins with the text part. The following wording is widespread: "We, the undersigned, the representative of the CONTRACTOR, on the one hand, and the representative of the CUSTOMER, on the other, have drawn up this act stating that the CONTRACTOR has performed, and the customer has accepted the following works:".
Step 3
Below is the tabular section. The columns of the table have the following names: "Name", "Quantity", "Unit of measurement", "Price", "Amount". Each row of the table contains one job or service provided. Thus, the number of table rows will be rates) "and the total line" Total ".
The following text is written under the table: “Total services rendered for the amount of: (In letters the amount from the line“Total”) rubles.”
Step 4
As we wrote above, the meaning of drawing up an act of work performed is to document the fact of their implementation by the performer. The next line is the essence of this act: “The work was completed in full, on time and with proper quality. The customer has no claims on the volume, quality and timing of the provision of services”.
Step 5
Below are the details of the contractor and the customer. The act ends with the signatures of authorized officials of the parties in a contractual relationship. In accordance with the rules of business turnover, the seals of the parties-drafters of the act are put in the designated places.