A marriage certificate is necessary for various accounting operations, such as writing off expenses, drawing up a claim to a supplier, and others. The document is drawn up in any form, taking into account the general provisions when creating acts.

Step 1
Proceed with the registration of the act, indicating the title "Act of marriage", which should be located in the upper center of the sheet. Below, indicate the name of the organization and the structural unit (site, workshop, etc.) that issues this act. Write the number and date of the order or instruction for the creation of the act. On the right, leave enough space for the manager's signature - a prerequisite for issuing this document.
Step 2
Put the record “I approve” indicating the position, full name of the head and the place for personal signature and the date of approval, deciphering it in brackets. Indicate the number of the act in accordance with the accounting kept at the enterprise and the date of its preparation. Make a short description of the document, for example "On marriage at work".
Step 3
Draw up the content of the document in the form of a table, indicating in it the characteristics of the product, the quantity, name, cost, features and reasons for the marriage, as well as the perpetrators. Write down the total amount to be debited. For accounting, this part is especially important, so the amount must be indicated in numbers and in words.
Step 4
Write in the final part of the act the number of copies and indicate to whom they will be addressed. Highlight a few separate lines so that all members of the marriage committee, including the chairman, leave their signatures. Also, the signature must be left by the materially responsible person. Follow the generally established format: title, signature, transcript. In the last paragraph, indicate the decision of the head regarding profit, the materially responsible person, etc.
Step 5
Supplement the document with a detailed table describing the marriage, indicating the possible reasons for its occurrence, their reason code, amount, etc. This part will be needed to analyze and prevent similar product defects in the future.