The power of attorney gives the right to the representative to perform certain actions on behalf and in the interests of the represented person in front of third parties. In some cases, the law allows you to reissue a power of attorney to another person.

Step 1
The power of attorney can be drawn up in a simple written form, it must contain information that makes it possible to clearly define who, to whom and for the performance of what actions it is authorized. In certain cases, the power of attorney must be notarized. The text of the document indicates for how long the power of attorney was issued and whether the transfer of powers by power of attorney to other persons is envisaged.
Step 2
You can only renew the power of attorney for another person in a few cases. The transfer of authority is possible if this is directly indicated in the text of the power of attorney or the person you represent has given consent to this in writing (by telegram, letter). The second case provides for the occurrence of such circumstances, by virtue of which the submission is objectively necessary to protect the interests of the person you represent, but you are not able to contact him and obtain his written consent.
Step 3
Regardless of the form in which the original power of attorney was issued, the submission must be notarized. Notify the person who authorized you about who you are going to transfer powers to by power of attorney. You are obliged to provide full information about who will represent his interests in the future. Contact the notary office and inform the employee of the intention to transfer authority to another representative. Notaries have their own form for such cases, so you do not need to draw up a new document yourself.
Step 4
You and the person to whom you delegate authority must have an identity document (passport) with you, and you also need an original power of attorney issued in your name. Remember that you cannot delegate authority to a greater extent than indicated in the original power of attorney. Also, the term of the power of attorney by way of transfer may not exceed the term established by the original document. The power of attorney renewal service is paid.