The issuance of a power of attorney allows you to temporarily endow a reliable person with the rights to carry out property transactions and other procedures that you do not want or cannot do on your own.

Step 1
Include the name of your representative on the power of attorney. It is important to remember that a power of attorney can only be issued for citizens who have reached the age of majority. There may be several representatives - the name of each of them should be indicated in the power of attorney. In addition, the document must also contain the name of the person who transfers their rights, becoming the principal.
Step 2
Remember to indicate the date of drawing up the power of attorney. Only if it is available, such a document is legally binding and allows your representative to take the necessary actions. If the date on the power of attorney does not appear, the document will be null and void.
Step 3
Determine the validity period of the issued power of attorney. By default, the document is valid for a year from the date of its execution. If you want to issue a power of attorney for a shorter or longer period, you must indicate it when drawing up. However, there is a limitation: the maximum period during which the document will remain valid is three years. This limitation applies to all powers of attorney, except for its special type required for operations abroad. Such a document can remain in legal force for as long as you like - until it is canceled.
Step 4
Take care of limiting the powers that your trustee is vested with. This will help avoid various troubles and abuse on his part. Specify as precisely as possible in the document all the actions that the representative can perform on your behalf, as well as all organizations in which the authorized person can represent your interests. For example, if you want a representative to deal with the sale of your real estate, it is better to sign an agreement with a buyer and receive money from him on your own, and not give this right to your agent.
Step 5
Review the written power of attorney before signing it. Take the time to read it carefully and make sure that it does not overwhelm your client.