The legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 20-23 of the Federal Law "On the procedure for leaving and entering the Russian Federation") stipulates that the export of a minor citizen (child) abroad requires permission from both parents. Close attention is paid to the correct paperwork at the border.

Step 1
If a minor citizen travels abroad not with one of the parents, but with other relatives or as part of an organized group, the child's father and mother or legal representatives (for example, guardians or adoptive parents) must apply to a notary office, providing civil passports both parents, the original of the child's birth certificate with records of the parents, passport details, last name, first name and patronymic of the person with whom the child travels abroad (for example, grandmothers), documents that confirm which country and for how long the child is leaving, as well as a certificate of surname change, if one of the parents changed it. Drawing up a permit will take 20-30 minutes of your time. Remember that all documents must be genuine, not copies, even notarized.
Step 2
If a child travels with one of the parents, in many countries an export permit is required from the other parent. This rule even applies to married parents. The procedure will be exactly the same as described above. At the same time, some countries admit that the permission may not be notarized, but drawn up in a simple written form. The signature of the person who gave the permission must be present on the document.
Step 3
The problem arises when the parents are divorced. If dad or mom cannot be found, write a statement to the police, indicating the reason for the search for the person. In the event that the second parent never took part in raising the child, did not pay alimony, and it was not possible to find him, obtain a corresponding certificate from the police. This will be sufficient for provision at the border.
Step 4
Sometimes at the border they may require permission from the management of an educational institution if a minor travels in his direction.