Traveling abroad with a child is troublesome. After all, you need to collect many different documents. If you are divorced from the father of the child, then you need his consent to take the baby out of the country. If you want to send your son or daughter to the overseas sea with your grandparents, then without a power of attorney, too, nowhere.

- your passport and your second parent's;
- birth certificate of a child;
- marriage certificate;
- police certificate
Step 1
According to articles 20-23 of the Federal Law "On the procedure for leaving and entering the Russian Federation", the departure of a child abroad with a person who is not his parent must be certified by a notarized power of attorney. There are many disputes and problems on the topic: what to do if only one parent leaves the country with a child. Should I write a power of attorney in this case or not? According to the law, one parent for the removal of a child from the country must obtain written consent from the second only if this second parent has submitted an application to the relevant authorities prohibiting such travel.
Step 2
But it should be borne in mind that there are a number of countries that will ask for a power of attorney from the second parent in any case. Even if a couple is officially married, they raise a child together, but only one of the parents travels abroad with him. For example, mother. Then the consent of the father is necessary. You should know in advance if the country you are going to is on this list. And if it enters, then as soon as possible get busy with the registration of the appropriate permit.
Step 3
A separate story with the issuance of a power of attorney occurs in cases when a child leaves the country under the supervision of persons who are not his parents. For example, this can be a grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, and other relatives. Also, an official power of attorney certified by a notary is required when a child is flying as part of a tourist group or just with friends of the parents. In this case, a power of attorney is required from both parents. So if mom and dad are divorced and finding a dad is problematic, then solving the problem with a power of attorney is more difficult. But you can still. To do this, the mother needs to contact the police in order to get a certificate there that the father does not take any part in the child's life, and it is impossible to determine his whereabouts. Only if you have such a certificate can you safely issue a power of attorney and let your child go on vacation abroad.
Step 4
Remember that a power of attorney is issued only with original documents. Therefore, when you go to the notary, do not forget to take all the necessary papers with you. It takes about 20-25 minutes to prepare the document. This procedure costs about 1000 rubles.