A power of attorney may be needed in various situations. For example, when it comes to the sale and purchase of real estate or the export of a minor child abroad by one of the parents. You can revoke a notarized document, guided by the provisions of the basics of notaries and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Step 1
You can cancel the power of attorney at any time - this is your right under the law. The reason for the termination of the document is your desire, you do not need to argue for it. The law does not provide for a cancellation form. It is advisable to do this in person, taking a preliminary receipt from an authorized person on receipt of the notification.
Step 2
Contact a notary - the one who certified the power of attorney. Write a statement in free form about the cancellation of an official document. In it, state the date, time, reason for issuing the document, indicate for how long it was issued, to whom, under what circumstances, sign. You can ask the notary to officially notify the trustee of the termination of his powers. Alternatively, use the mail services by sending a certified letter with a return notification, in it, state the request to return the power of attorney.
Step 3
You can cancel a power of attorney from a specific date or from the moment of drawing up an application for cancellation. It is your right. All actions of the authorized person will be legally valid until the date from which the cancellation document comes into force. When a person continues to make transactions or other actions on your behalf, without having the right to do so, you can safely go to court.
Step 4
Provide information about the cancellation of the power of attorney to those organizations to which you "addressed" the power of attorney. For example, if we are talking about a power of attorney to represent your interests in court, take in person or send by mail a copy of the application to the court. If you gave a power of attorney to take the child out, be sure to inform the migration service about the cancellation of the document.
Step 5
Take the original power of attorney, if you cannot do it personally, send a notification to the authorized person by mail and ask to return the document.