You issued a general power of attorney in the name of your husband, but got divorced - and now you don't want him to be able to manage your affairs? Or have you issued a power of attorney to a friend to drive a car and now you want to pick it up? In such (and many other) cases, the question arises: how to revoke the power of attorney and what is needed for this?

Step 1
By law, the person who issued the power of attorney can revoke it at any time. This desire does not need to be argued in any way - in itself it is already a sufficient reason for the termination of the power of attorney.
Step 2
In order to revoke the power of attorney, you need to contact the notary who certified it and write a statement about the revocation of the power of attorney. In addition, at your request, the notary may formally notify your representative (that is, a former trustee) that his powers have been terminated. In the application, you inform the representative about the cancellation of the power of attorney issued in his name, and also ask to immediately return the power of attorney to the notary or to you personally.
Step 3
You can notify the person to whom the power of attorney was issued about its revocation in another way, for example, by sending him a certified letter with a description of the attachment. Having received the news of the termination of the power of attorney, he is obliged to return it to you.
Step 4
In addition, when revoking a power of attorney, you must inform the organizations to which the power of attorney was “addressed”. For example, if we are talking about a power of attorney for a car, then you need to take a copy of the application to the traffic police department, where the car is registered.