One of the types of internal documents are orders of the head. With their help, he manages the organization. Conditionally, they can be divided into orders for the economic, production activities of the enterprise, the second group is made up of orders for personnel. The forms of most personnel orders are approved by the State Statistics Committee. To issue an order, study the following points.

Step 1
Indicate the details of the order, which include the date, registration number of the document, title (expresses the essence, about what, about whom).
Step 2
Indicate the executor of the document and his phone number.
Step 3
State the reason for issuing the order, what circumstances caused the need to take an administrative action.
Step 4
Make links to laws, regulations, or local documents of the organization.
Step 5
In the operative part, indicate what specific actions should be performed. The last item is to appoint a person who controls the execution of the order.
Step 6
Sign the draft order with the persons who are affected by its content. Usually this is an accountant, personnel officer, lawyer, financier, deputy head in this area. Visas confirm the compliance of the text of the order with the laws and local acts of the organization. A visa involves an indication of the position, signature, its decoding, as well as the date of approval. If there are any comments, they are drawn up on a separate sheet.
Step 7
Sign the order with your supervisor or authorized person.
Step 8
Familiarize the employee with the text of the order for signature within 3 days from the date of publication. If you refuse to sign, draw up an act with the participation of two or three employees.