Usually, all orders for the leave of employees are signed by the head of the organization. But what if the director himself goes to rest? Who will release him, in whose name will he write a statement?

The Labor Code stipulates that employees are entitled to annual paid leave according to the approved schedule. The employee is notified about the time of the "vacation" against receipt no later than two weeks before their start.
Who is in charge
The employee is not obliged to write a written statement about leaving on vacation if the start dates are indicated in the schedule. If only a month is registered, then writing a statement with an exact date is a must. The order of registration for the boss is slightly different: the boss always decides for himself when he goes to rest.
The procedure is quite traditional, but when designing it, the director takes into account several possible options:
- the decision on the start date is made by the general meeting;
- the manager is at the same time the sole founder of the company.
The responsibilities and rights of the first person are determined by the constituent documents of the organization. Therefore, the Charter regulates the procedure for granting the head of the enterprise "vacation" time.
Resolutions in LLC are passed by the general meeting. If the decision on granting is made by the participants of an open society, it is signed by the chairman.
The issue can be resolved directly by the director himself. If the verdict is passed by him, then he puts the signature.
If the Charter of the company is silent about the days of the annual respite of the chief of the company, then it is necessary to be guided by the norms of the Labor Code. The manager is the same employee as the rest.
Therefore, he, like ordinary employees, must express his consent in writing. Also, the boss must agree to an early exit to work.
His own master
Notifications about the beginning of rest of other employees are endorsed by the head of the organization or a personnel officer by proxy. The director is the same employee as the others. Therefore, the first person of the company writes a statement addressed to himself.
In any case, an employee of the personnel department should notify the manager of the beginning of the long-awaited time in two weeks. Otherwise, an absurd situation arises: the chief of the enterprise will have to notify himself.
Let the status of the first person be quite high, but, like the rest, he is given a paid vacation every year, lasting at least 28 calendar days.
Before leaving for the long-awaited vacation, the head of the enterprise appoints an acting person. The question of who these obligations are assigned to is decided before the boss leaves for the holidays. Often, the replacement function falls on the deputy: this is directly spelled out in his contract.
If the head of the company is the only founder, everything is much simpler: no application is required. The decision of the founder is drawn up to grant vacation to himself as the head of the company. A T-6 order is issued. The data is entered on the T-2 card.

The vacation procedure is quite traditional. According to TC, everyone in the organization is entitled to annual rest, registration is carried out according to the norms of the code.