When providing various types of services, especially in the trade area, an enterprise may need cash registers or, in official language, cash registers or cash registers. To avoid rather large fines from the tax inspectorate, it is useful to know the list of necessary actions for their registration and registration.

The first step is to purchase the actual cash register. It can be either new or used. In the latter case, it is imperative to make sure that the given cash register is removed from tax records.
Further, in order to register the cashier, you need to follow these steps:
1. To conclude a maintenance contract with an organization that must have a certificate for the provision of such services. If this requirement is not met, the tax inspectorate simply will not put the purchased device on record.
2. Apply to the tax authority where the company is registered with the provision of a set of documents, consisting of:
- applications with a request to issue a cash desk;
- contracts with the Central Technical Service Center for the maintenance of the device;
- contracts for the lease of premises (optional for individual entrepreneurs);
- the actual passport of the KKM and the version of its standard;
- an additional sheet attached to the reference version;
- means of visual control (consists of holograms of the State Register and service);
- an individual journal of the operational cashier, entered in the form of KM - 4;
- log of calling technical specialists in the form of KM 8;
- company seals;
- the original certificate of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the passport of the person with a power of attorney from the company for the right to register the cash register (if it is not an individual entrepreneur personally).
In addition, it is necessary to have special self-adhesive seals, which are subsequently subject to strict accounting.
In order to register the cashier, the presence of a representative of the TEC is required. And those operating organizations, which are not the first time registering cash register machines, are obliged to submit to the tax office the documents of the primary cash department for the period of the last 3 months.
The procedure may seem rather complicated, but if you prepare all the necessary documents in advance, you can save a significant amount of time.