Finally, the job search is over, a series of interviews and tests ended. You are ready to gladly start new activities, but you are undoubtedly worried about the urgent need to politely and correctly refuse those offered vacancies that for some reason did not arouse your interest.

Step 1
Keep in mind that the employer is not really interested in the reasons why you turned down his job. However, be prepared to be asked why you did this.
Step 2
Do not express the "bitter truth" to the employer, even if it exists, and you think that it is necessary to restore justice and justify your refusal. In such a situation, the employer, hurt for a living, is quite capable of starting a “war” against your “unjustified” attacks. He, however, can be easily understood: you took his time, and then decided to refuse.
Step 3
Do not motivate your refusal by unwillingness to take tests. Perhaps you will find this procedure too protracted and fundamentally biased. Representatives of companies acting in this direction, most likely, think completely differently, referring their work to the number of significant achievements.
Step 4
Follow the example of employers. Remember how they explained their refusal to you after being interviewed or tested. Do not answer in monosyllables, but use a minimum of words. For example, your “I'm sorry, but at the moment I cannot accept your offer” would be the most appropriate phrase. Don't try to elaborate on anything. Make your speech as correct and friendly as possible.
Step 5
Don't worry or panic. Of course, it will be better if you correctly and briefly summarize the reason for your refusal and present it in a simple and understandable language, without taking time from yourself or the employer. Come up with, write down and learn a short phrase that succinctly and as much as possible describes the reason for your refusal. Refer, for example, to the inconvenient location of the office or to the peculiarities of the proposed payment, if such is the case.
Step 6
Don't worry about saying no to your employer. Remember that you are just another candidate for the proposed vacancy. You can and should also choose the option that suits you best.