What Is Inventory

What Is Inventory
What Is Inventory

Inventory allows you to check the compliance of the real state of affairs at the current moment with the accounting data. The decision to conduct an inventory is made by the administrator or the owner himself, when it is necessary to confirm accounting data or identify existing values.

What is inventory
What is inventory

The inventory is based on various documents, both specially drawn up and already completed. The emphasis on collation statements by inventors is done when looking for a must. If they need to find a being, then only the inventory list is filled out. So, if the enterprise keeps only the total accounting, then it is enough, having rewritten, to estimate the cash. If quantitative or quantitative-sum accounting is kept in the warehouse or in the accounting department, then the issue of reconciling the assortment of values comes to the fore. This work is very painstaking and, despite the fact that the consequences can be very sad, people need to do it. Often, the purpose of an inventory is to identify cheaters, in other cases it is just a formality. Among the people interested in the inventory, the responsibility should be divided into those who check (inventories), who are checked (financially responsible) and those for whom the check is carried out (owner or administrator). Those who are really interested in this work will require the inventors to rewrite everything. presented property and present it in the inventory list. The accounting department, in turn, will put down credentials in the collation sheet, to which they will assign natural indicators and then display the balances. known) into bags, sealing them. As a result, neither the verifiers nor the verifiers know the real balances. After that, in the inventories, the interested workers of the warehouse recalculate and rewrite the actual balances, but only without the items seized for a while. Only when the natural remains are supplemented with data taken from the bags for removing the seals, it will be possible to compare them with the collation sheet. Interest in the result of the inventory is of decisive importance. Otherwise, in order to avoid unnecessary noise, the real results of the work may be hidden by the administrators from the owner.
