For the judiciary, the social security service, the company's specialists request a certificate from the place of work. The employer must issue this document by accepting a written application from the employee within three days. Moreover, personnel workers request the name of the body where such a certificate is required.

It is necessary
- - certificate form;
- - application form;
- - order form;
- - staffing table;
- - documents, company stamp;
- - work book of the employee;
- - information about the employee's salary.
Step 1
If it is necessary to draw up a certificate from the place of work, a specialist who needs such a document writes a statement. It indicates the request for the issuance of such a certificate, as well as the details that should be contained in it. For example, for the courts, it is enough to confirm the fact of work in a particular company, the name of this organization, the seal, the signature of an official. But for the social protection authorities, for example, for the registration of a child allowance, the amount of earnings for the last three months is needed. Therefore, it is advisable for the employee to write in the application for which services the certificate is required. According to Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a specialist, along with a certificate from the place of work, may request copies of documents confirming the fact of performing labor at this enterprise. The employer has no right to refuse to receive them.
Step 2
After the approval of the application, the director issues an order. Its subject is the issuance of a certificate. The employee's statement is indicated as the basis. In the content part, the data of the person who is entrusted with the obligation to draw up such documents is entered. This is a personnel officer or other employee appointed by the responsible order of the head. The order is reviewed by a cadre worker, a specialist who needs a certificate, on receipt. The ordering document is certified by the director's signature.
Step 3
Make a letterhead statement. In the left corner, write the name of the company, then indicate the number of the outgoing document. After the word "Dana" write in the name, patronymic, surname of the employee to whom the application for issuing the certificate was written. Then confirm the fact of employment in your company. Enter the name of the organization. Enter the name of the position, department where the specialist is registered. Write the name of the body, services for which such a certificate is needed. If necessary, indicate the amount of the employee's earnings for the previous three months, enter the number of years, months, days of experience, if any. Confirm the certificate with the signature of the director, indicating personal data and the name of the position, with the seal of the company. Issue the document to the employee against signature.