Surely you had to write a statement at least once in your life. And all the time you were confronted with the idea, but how to properly formalize it, because it obeys certain rules?

Step 1
Some types of applications, for example, for the provision of another vacation or for dismissal, are written exclusively by hand, and, for example, you can write a lawsuit in court yourself, or you can print it.
Step 2
Any application begins with the so-called "cap", which is located in the upper right corner - in the first line, indicate the position and surname, name and patronymic of the person to whom the application is addressed. On the second line, write your details: position, full name. in the genitive case.
Step 3
Further in the middle is written the name of the document "application" with a small letter. Now you should proceed directly to the text of the document. So, if you need to write an application for a vacation, start with the words: "I ask you to grant me another vacation from" day.month.year "to" day.month.year. " In case you are taking leave at your own expense, add the phrase "unpaid leave." Put the date under the text on the left, and your signature on the right.
Step 4
You have decided to quit your job. Fill out the application in the same way as above - write to whom it is addressed and from whom. Further - the name of the document "application". From the red line, formulate the request: "I ask you to dismiss me from my post (indicate the reason) from such and such a date." Please add the date and personal signature on the right below.
Step 5
And how to correctly write an application to the court? Take this issue seriously - how you draft this document may affect the outcome of the case. First you need to indicate the name of the court where you are applying. Then write your details - last name, first name, patronymic, address, name of the defendant and his address. Next, you should indicate the reason for filing the application with the court. Please state in as much detail as possible any violations of your rights and the basis for the claim. Describe the essence of the matter in detail, but at the same time, be concise. You will also need to state your requirements in the application. Base them on the rules of the law. Indicated in the claim and the amount required by the plaintiff. Then write down a list of documents that you must attach to the application, date and sign.