Many employers shamelessly violate the rights of their employees. Since most employees do not know their rights and cannot fight back or express their point of view, the management willingly uses this. But there is justice for every violator! It is very important to know about your rights and not be afraid to claim them, especially when it comes to pregnant women.

Let's start with basic knowledge. There are three types of maternity leave:
- Prenatal - lasts 70 days; if a woman is pregnant with twins, then she is entitled to 84 days of leave.
- Postpartum - lasts the same as prenatal; if childbirth was with complications, then 86 days of rest are supposed; if a woman has given birth to twins or more, then she has the right to rest for 110 days.
- (children) - lasts 3 years.
Prenatal and postnatal leave are summed up: if out of 70 days a woman has used only 10, then the remaining 60 days are accrued to postnatal leave. Thus, she will rest after giving birth not for 70 days, but for 130 days. Plus, the woman is paid social insurance benefits.
During the three-year parental leave, the woman also receives benefits from the state. At the same time, she can earn extra money at home or work part-time, and her official place of work and position still remains with her.
As for maternity leave in general, a woman has the right to write an application for it, regardless of how long she has been at work. If the bosses offer monetary compensation instead of vacation, this is already a violation of the employee's rights.
If a pregnant woman comes to get a job, then she should know that she has no right to be denied employment because of her position. In this case, she has the right to demand a written refusal with an indication of the reason. A pregnant woman may not be hired only if the work is associated with heavy physical exertion, will have to work with toxic substances, or if the woman simply does not meet the requirements for the vacancy.
When concluding an employment contract, the authorities must be reminded that they have no right to establish a probationary period for a pregnant woman or a young mother until her child is one and a half years old. Dismissal is also out of the question. A pregnant employee can only be fired because of the liquidation of the company in which he is employed. Even if the term of the employment contract expires, the employer is obliged to renew it.