Pregnancy is not a reason to fold your arms and stay at home without work. If earlier a pregnant woman did not have the opportunity to earn money, now it is easy to say that she herself can fully provide for her family.

- - computer;
- - Internet access.
Step 1
To find a job, a pregnant woman only needs a computer with Internet access. Go to any search engine and type the following phrase into the search bar: "earnings on the Internet without investment." You will be presented with a huge list of sites that contain information on how you can make money while sitting at home.
Step 2
The most popular way for housewives to make money is through reviews. You register on the site and write reviews there about any goods and services. The number of reviews you write can be unlimited. You will receive money for viewing the texts written by you. The average cost per 1000 views is 50 rubles. Examples of such sites are Otzovik and
Step 3
You can also make money by writing and selling articles. There are a lot of article exchanges, so choose one of them so as not to get confused and not confuse yourself, jumping from one site to another. Register on the site of your choice and you can safely engage in copywriting. You will be required to write small but informative texts that will be sent to customers. If the customer is satisfied with your work, he transfers the money to your account. An average copywriter now earns about 10 thousand rubles a week. The most popular exchanges are Advego, Relevant Media, ETEXT and others.
Step 4
And another interesting way for pregnant women to make money is to make and sell creative things with their own hands. It can be knitted items, embroidered paintings, topiary and many other interesting things. Expectant mothers do handicrafts while sitting at home, and then sell their creativity, exhibiting it on forums and online stores.