The case is a puzzle, the pieces of which must be put together in order to get a representation of a certain situation that attracted your attention. The main thing to remember when drawing up a case is that it must necessarily contain a certain problem, which should be carefully studied, analyzed and offered the necessary solution, based on a number of criteria and conditions.

Step 1
In the process of writing a case, the main stages are highlighted: research, analysis and its actual writing. You need to start with research. Find out in advance what has already been written and published on your topic of interest, and check out more important publications, as well as statistics.
Step 2
Think about how you will sort the received data. So that the situation described in your case is clear to the readers. To do this, you need to bring all the available data together, and then proceed with the selection and sorting of this information in order to analyze it.
Step 3
Next, state the problem or question that you want to suggest to the readers.
Step 4
Divide the case into sections or subtopics, for example, as follows: an introduction to the very essence of the problem, a short general description of the object (location, history, attractive features and development), an overview of information.
Step 5
Offer an analysis of the information reflected in the tables or graphs that you have included in your case. Make different assumptions as to why this object is not popular.
Step 6
Ask the question: should a mass consumer be attracted to this object and what consequences will this cause? Pay special attention to this issue.
Step 7
Also create a subtopic on public policy - what role it plays in production in relation to the object in question, what is allowed and what is prohibited, what measures are taken and how effective they are.
Step 8
Business development opportunities. Show your entrepreneurial skills. Shape new services and opportunities.
Step 9
Do some maths for yourself to make sure your assumptions and ideas are realistic.
Step 10
Use a SWOT analysis to assess the strengths as well as the weaknesses of the project. Based on this analysis, determine the opportunities and threats to the facility.
Step 11
Analyze what risks and benefits for the socio-economic situation can bring with it the promotion of your chosen object on the market and what measures need to be taken to reduce the adverse consequences.
Step 12
Write a conclusion. Here, instead of leaving the answer you formulated to the question previously posed in the disclosure of the case at the very end of the story, it is best to ask your readers a few more different questions.