The description of working conditions is the main document when assessing the health status of an employee. It is necessary for the employee to undergo a medical and labor expert commission or a medical and social examination, and is also taken into account when determining the degree of disability and when assigning a certain group of disability.

Step 1
A description of the worker's working conditions is usually written on a special form, although the form for this document is not at all required. So, at the top of the sheet (form), indicate the personal data of the employee: full name, year of birth, address, phone number, place (or places) of study, acquired specialties. Also indicate if the employee has received incentives and awards from the place of study.
Step 2
Next, write a short description of the employee's previous employment. Indicate in as much detail as possible where the characterized employee previously worked, what positions he held, whether there were transfers to other (lighter) jobs due to illness. Also write whether the employee has had an occupational injury, whether he suffers from occupational diseases.
Step 3
The next item is to indicate the specialty in which the employee works at your enterprise. Make a description of the work performed by this employee. Usually the following factors are indicated in this characteristic: the length of the working day and the length of the working week; work schedule (shift or not, duration of the shift, whether there are night shifts); the amount of time the employee spends on their feet during the day; the average mass of goods that the employee lifts daily (weekly, monthly); is there a lunch break; what is the temperature in the working room and much more.
Step 4
Next, indicate if there are any harmful factors that may affect the employee during the working day. If there are harmful factors, then write what these factors are (for example, increased noise level), and whether there is a possibility to eliminate them. Record whether the employee travels on business. If he travels, indicate how often he does it and what is the average duration of a business trip for this employee.
Step 5
Note if there is an opportunity to transfer the employee to an easier job. If there is such an opportunity, then indicate in what time frame it is possible to transfer the employee to another job.
Step 6
Further, the document must be signed by the head of the personnel department, the head of the legal department, the staff doctor of the enterprise (if any) and the head of the enterprise. Put a stamp and the working conditions specification is ready.