How To Make An Inventory Of Property

How To Make An Inventory Of Property
How To Make An Inventory Of Property

Many landlords who own more than one apartment prefer to rent out empty housing in order to generate income. Such apartments are usually rented with furniture and appliances. In this case, it is much safer to conclude an official contract with the employer, having drawn up to it as an attachment and an inventory of the property left for use. This will avoid many problems when controversial issues arise.

How to make an inventory of property
How to make an inventory of property

Why do you need to make an inventory of property

This document is needed not only by the landlord, but also by the employer. In the first case, it is a guarantee of the safety of the property, and in the second it is guaranteed to protect the tenant from unfounded claims of the owner of the home and property. In cases of conflicts in which employment contracts are terminated early, there are often cases of mutual accusations and claims of the parties, the dispute between which ends in court proceedings. It will be rather difficult for each of the parties without a well-formed inventory to prove their case in this case. Property inventory minimizes the number of mutual claims and grievances, protecting the interests of both parties.

How to correctly draw up an inventory of property

You can draw up an inventory of property as a separate document or as an annex to the lease agreement. Like the contract itself, it can be stated in a simple free written form; it is not required to be certified by a notary. But in order for it to be a legally significant document, and not a "filkin letter", which the court will refuse to accept for consideration, it must contain the details of both parties. These details include the full name, patronymic and surname, passport data and address of permanent registration.

It is advisable to arrange the text of the inventory in the form of a table with columns in which the serial number, the name of the thing, the number of units and a note will be indicated. A note should give a detailed description of each item, indicating its appearance, degree of wear or condition.

All items: furniture, appliances, etc., which are entered or entered into the inventory at the conclusion of the lease agreement, the tenant should be inspected upon arrival for serviceability and defects. If they are not included in the inventory, they should be reflected in it. The inventory should be as detailed as possible, since those things that will not be included in it can be appropriated or lost by the tenant, and the owner will no longer be able to prove their presence and return the cost. For this, everything of value is entered into the inventory, including: books, bed linen, dishes, carpets, household appliances.

The inventory must be drawn up in at least two copies, each of them must be signed by two parties with a decrypted signature and date. If the contract is concluded through an intermediary, he must also have a copy of the inventory. Two copies of the acceptance certificate must be drawn up for the inventory. The first copy is filled in and signed when the tenant moves into the rented apartment, the second - when he leaves it and the keys are handed over to the landlord.
