Works, graphic materials, video, audio files, images are continuously posted on the Internet. Each of them has copyrights that are violated by fraudsters. To protect, preserve copyright, there are several ways, one of which is the installation of special programs.

- - Code of Civil Procedure;
- - the law "On copyright protection";
- - cash;
- - form of the statement of claim;
- - claim form.
Step 1
The surest, but quite costly way to preserve your copyrights is to install special programs. Such software products protect the copyright holder of the site, works, images, etc. from being copied by others. As a rule, fraudsters are engaged in copying, illegal placement of pictures, texts, who earn money on this. A lot of funds will be required for a protective program. The amount depends on how many pages, images you have on your site. Typically, designers are paid about 5% of the cost of their services for installing such software. The amount of payment is in the range of $ 1,500.
Step 2
If your content is already on another site, contact your Internet service provider. Ask him to disconnect the site owner from the network. As a rule, providers do not ignore such requests.
Step 3
When the provider, the site administration do not take any action, since many public offers state that they do not bear any responsibility for the legality of the site's content, contact lawyers. Make a claim. Write in it the essence of the violation of your copyright, indicate the type of object. Send the letter to the offending person.
Step 4
If, after sending a letter of claim, copyrighted materials are posted by fraudsters, go to court. File a statement of claim with an arbitral tribunal or a court of higher jurisdiction. Indicate the essence of the appeal in the document, attach evidence confirming copyright infringement detected by special information scanning systems on the Internet. Keep in mind that litigation will cost you a lot. You can approximately spend up to 150,000 rubles. Copyright infringers do not always pay damages, since in Russia the actions of Internet fraudsters are regulated at a low level. Therefore, it would be best to install security programs in advance.
Step 5
Contact a notary. Show him your materials in duplicate, having previously made copies of them. Ask to endorse your work. The notary will write down the date of appeal, time under the material, and also put a seal confirming the personal data of the copyright holder. Such proof in court will confirm your copyright.
Step 6
In case of a notary's refusal to endorse your material, write a statement addressed to the site manager. Indicate your personal data in the document, then insert your work into it. Come to the notary and put your personal signature in front of him. In this case, your signature is certified by a notary and a seal is put.
Step 7
When sending materials to the site, where they will later be posted, save the letters in your mail. The dates cannot be corrected in the Sent Mail folder. Therefore, in the event of a violation of your copyright, this will serve as electronic evidence. Recording on CD, DVD-R discs of your work will also be a proof fact.